PSB Test Troubles...


Okay, so I'm currently trying my damnedest to get into Nursing School for an LPN program. I've already taken the PSB once and failed. This shocked me because I've never really failed a test in my life. But anyway, my scores varried in sections between extremely high and extremely low. I did great on the verbal, arithmatic, science, and whatever that section was about your personality, however I did horrible on the non-verbal, spelling, and the practical nursing sections. I was just wondering if anyone could help me figure out which study guides or books I should get to help me pass when I go for my second attempt. I'm extremely worried about failing again since i really don't want to have to wit another year to start my career. Please Help!!! Thanks!!

You can buy a specific book to help you out with the PSB. It is formatted like the PSB and will give you study hints, etc.

I didn't have time to get that particular book, so I went to the bookstore and purchased a book titled LPN LVN Pre-Entrance Exam, 2nd edition. I read everything twice, highlighted what was really important, and took the practice tests. It really helped me recall things I hadn't had since high school ( a LONG time ago, LOL!).

Try purchasing a book and studying before you take the test again. Some schools offer a preview class before the test, which you may find helpful.

Good luck!

Specializes in Day program consultant DD/MR.

Im not sure what the PSB is I am in CA and my entrance exam was the TABE so porbably the same just different name. The school I went to offered tutoring before the test as well as a study packet. I took advantage of both as I was out of school for almost 13 yrs before going back, and I passed on the 1st try I was so scared that I had failed and would have to re-take it.

hi Tracylvn, do you still have your study packet for the TABE test? If you do can I pls have it, b/c I'm having problem passing the tabe and I have to re-take it in 2weks time.

Thank you so much!

Specializes in Day program consultant DD/MR.

Hi Ladycool wish I could say yes that I still have it but I don't. I'm sorry.

Hey Tracy, Thanx anyways!

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