Published Aug 26, 2004
646 Posts
A LTC night shift nurse took tylenol to an elderly gentleman. He was extremely hard of hearing, and vision was terrible. She attempted to inform him that she was giving him something for his temperature without success. He must have been woke from a religious dream because he kept repeating "is this Communion?, are you giving me Communion?". She finally gave up, stood up straight, stuck out her hand, and he took his "Communion".
His temp came down also.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
A LTC night shift nurse took tylenol to an elderly gentleman. He was extremely hard of hearing, and vision was terrible. She attempted to inform him that she was giving him something for his temperature without success. He must have been woke from a religious dream because he kept repeating "is this Communion?, are you giving me Communion?". She finally gave up, stood up straight, stuck out her hand, and he took his "Communion". His temp came down also.
2,083 Posts