Pros and Cons of VM verse AALNC

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i am trying to decide and need alittle help with deciding.....please tell me your opinions and experiences...thanks:balloons:

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Hello, WaynesvilleRN!!!!!!

So good to hear from you. Glad that you took time out to sign on and say hello to us. Guess you are almost at the half-way point. Now, don't linger here and take away from your study session. LOL!!!

Let us know how it all goes and can't wait to see you sign, CLNC!!!!

Specializes in Endo, Outpt Surgery, Hospice, LTC, MH,.
Hello, WaynesvilleRN!!!!!!

So good to hear from you. Glad that you took time out to sign on and say hello to us. Guess you are almost at the half-way point. Now, don't linger here and take away from your study session. LOL!!!

Let us know how it all goes and can't wait to see you sign, CLNC!!!!

Thanks Siri!!!!

Have a great evening!


Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Just wanted to wish you luck tomorrow on the exam!!!!!!!!!!!!

Specializes in Endo, Outpt Surgery, Hospice, LTC, MH,.


Exam is over!!!!!!!!!!! Lookin forward to heading out there as a successful CLNC....

After the Apprenticeship days of course...Thanks for the support Siri!!!

Just wanted to wish you luck tomorrow on the exam!!!!!!!!!!!!
Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!

You'll enjoy that 2-day apprenticeship. Learn lots and come back armed and ready!!!!!!!!

Specializes in Endo, Outpt Surgery, Hospice, LTC, MH,.
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!

You'll enjoy that 2-day apprenticeship. Learn lots and come back armed and ready!!!!!!!!

Sure will...and if you need a subcon let me

Thanks again!

P.S. I didnt know you are a NYY fan!...grrr.... (ok I was born in Mich and have been a Tiger fan since I was a babe)

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

The Yanks.............*sigh*..........don't get me started. LOL!!!!!!

Specializes in Endo, Outpt Surgery, Hospice, LTC, MH,.
The Yanks.............*sigh*..........don't get me started. LOL!!!!!!

come on team hasnt seen post season play but twice since 1987!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we did beat NYY last year in the playoffs...yeah...sorry about that!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Last night the gnats beat the Yanks.

It was a conspiracy.

I'm all about conspiracy theories.

(we are soooo off-topic)

Specializes in Endo, Outpt Surgery, Hospice, LTC, MH,.
Last night the gnats beat the Yanks.

It was a conspiracy.

I'm all about conspiracy theories.

(we are soooo off-topic)

lol...Yeah the Tigers owner also owns the Red Wings...when the NHL went on strike a couple years ago I KNEW the Tigers were going to be in the playoffs....should have put my money there! All about the conspiracies as well....

Off topic?..yeah I guess so....Should we take it elsewhere ? Or should I just watch Purdue continue to blow it against Ohio St on TV? :idea:

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

I say we take it to the TV.;)


The Cubs have had it.

Looks like LSU is messing up.

I'm scared to watch the Phillies.

I'm listening to my beloved state FB team on the radio and watching the TV games all at the same time.

I'm ready to heave the radio through a window...........

Heck, I think I'm calling it a night. I'm depressed with all these scores!!! LOL!!!!

Let us know all about everything when you get home.

Specializes in Endo, Outpt Surgery, Hospice, LTC, MH,.
I say we take it to the TV.;)


The Cubs have had it.

Looks like LSU is messing up.

I'm scared to watch the Phillies.

I'm listening to my beloved state FB team on the radio and watching the TV games all at the same time.

I'm ready to heave the radio through a window...........

Heck, I think I'm calling it a night. I'm depressed with all these scores!!! LOL!!!!

Let us know all about everything when you get home.

Yeah will update you as the week progresses..Thanks!


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