Pros and Cons

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi. I graduated from college with a degree in criminology but I want to head back to school to study nursing. My intent is to be a correctional nursing. But I am worried. I've heard that correctional nurses are viewed negatively in the nursing profession. Is that true and, if so, why? Also, what are some pros and cons of becoming a correctional nurse?

Thanks. I have considered all of this and, for now, I do think correctional nursing is a good choice for me. I say "for now" because I am only beginning my research into nursing so I'm not quite sure where it is going to lead me.

Be aware that healthcare services in prisons are now contracted to private firms in some states.

This is so true. I have known several nurses who worked for the prisons who worked under a contracted agency. The federal, state and city governments are contracting out the service to reduce cost. Their is work due to the work conditions and wages not being great. The work is not bad and you do meet so very interesting people. Alot of common illnesses (DM, HIV, Asthma) and psych problems. The main job tasks are med pass and documenting mental status and behavior. As for benefits, you are not a government employee so think again. If you want the government benefits, go become a correctional officier.

Specializes in floor to ICU.
Thanks. I have considered all of this and, for now, I do think correctional nursing is a good choice for me. I say "for now" because I am only beginning my research into nursing so I'm not quite sure where it is going to lead me.

FYI: I know of someone that has her Masters Degree in Criminology. She does background investigations for private companies and the government. She travels frequently and gets a company car with a gas card ;)

Your degree in criminology made me think of her. Sorry, not trying to discourage you from pursuing a nursing degree... :nurse:

I would think your background would be a great foundation for prison nursing. Good luck.

Thanks. What I am most interested in is research. I've heard that if you get a Ph.D in Nursing you can in sometimes cultivate a path of your own in the field and research things that you want. So I am hoping to do that in correctional nursing.

Just curious... why not pursue a PhD in criminology?

I have never heard that before. You should combined the 2 degrees, makes sense to me.

That was my original intention but unfortunately finding jobs in that field is much harder than I thought. I did work for an organization that helped recently released female prisoners get back on their feet but unfortunately they had to close their doors. I am still considering going back to school for a Ph.D in criminology but it would be nice to have a good job while doing so.

That was my original intention but unfortunately finding jobs in that field is much harder than I thought. I did work for an organization that helped recently released female prisoners get back on their feet but unfortunately they had to close their doors. I am still considering going back to school for a Ph.D in criminology but it would be nice to have a good job while doing so.

Please do not waste your time going for a Ph.D. in criminology. What on earth are you going to do with that? Education is the answer to lifes problems. Think about what you want to do. Then check out the job market in that area. Nursing is currently saturated. The situation may change and position open up for new grads but it may get worse...only GOD knows. Think about your needs and goals and then decide what you want to do.

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