Shanneliz SRNA

Shanneliz SRNA DNP


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All Content by Shanneliz SRNA

  1. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    I remember around this time 3 years ago, I had just finished my first week of CRNA school. Time has FLOWN by! I really wanted to make a post for anyone applying for CRNA school or preparing for SEE/boards, and answer any questions. Firstly, for anyo...
  2. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    Im sorry, I actually went to MTSA in Nashville!
  3. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    Thank you so much!
  4. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    My personal opinion would be get experience in an ICU first. Figure out what schools you really want to attend, and get in contact with them early. I didn't take any grad classes before I applied. And I was going to if I didn't get in or if they told...
  5. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    Yeah we did a hybrid type thing! We had classes Monday - Thursday and clinical every other day and an all day clinical day every week. But they made changes to that since we graduated. And it would alternate. One week clinical was M W F and the nex...
  6. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    I do not have a significant other so it is hard for me to tell you anything relating to it but I did know someone who was married with kids and they did it differently than some students with how they studied. What they did was wake up at 4 am every ...
  7. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    Not sure if it worked but I messaged you my phone number! I don't have a LinkedIn 😕
  8. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    In my opinion, and this is just my opinion, I would say do the CVICU. Anesthesia programs love CVICU experience. And from what I have heard, you learn a TON! If I could do it all over again I woul 100% do CVICU. I did trauma ICU in a level 2 trauma ...
  9. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    I unfortunately don't live there anymore 😞 But, you can text me any questions that you may have if you PM me your number!
  10. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    Pimping isn't as intense as you hear! I remember being very nervous, and it ended up not being that bad. If you don't know the answer, just tell them that you don't know but would like to know the answer. As for studying on a topic I didn't kno...
  11. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    I actually didn't take that class, but I HIGHLY recommend it. So helpful for when you start the program, it helped people so much. Clinical days were different for us compared to the newer classes. I know that on 2 days a week now they go for full da...
  12. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    If I still had it, I SO would! But it was years ago. What I did was researched some good pharmacology books and bought a few and put together a guide that way. Basically I studied like mechanism of action down to the cellular level and looked up spe...
  13. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    I think any certification that can buffer your application is worth it! I definitely needed it because I was weak in other areas. I had a lower GPA so anything to buffer my application was beneficial! LOL Interview tips: I'd say research...
  14. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    I felt like in my program I did a lot of self-teaching. But that isn't because the professors couldn't teach, it is because I just have a different learning style and it's super important to figure out how you learn best early on. If I was not doing ...
  15. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    You're welcome! I got a few different certifications and joined committees on my unit to do that. I got my CCRN, TCRN, took TNCC, and also worked a little longer than the normal requirement (2 and a half years in ICU). I got accepted into MTSA in Te...
  16. Do I even have a chance getting into CRNA program?

    I'm not sure what specific schools you are looking into and I know the qualifications are all different, but I agree with what the person stated above. First of all, WOW on all of your accomplishments. Reminds me of myself. I actually failed nursing ...
  17. I got accepted into CRNA School

    What I did for the personal statement is looked up and read multiple examples and wrote it according to the prompt that the school has. Usually they have a few things that they would like to mention in the personal statement and I would just write it...
  18. I got accepted into CRNA School

    Okay, so I just wanted to share my story on being accepted into CRNA school. My story is different than most, and a lot of things had to line up for me to get accepted. But I just wanted to share, because it has been a LONG journey for me. I haven...
  19. I got accepted into CRNA School

    1. I would ask your friend! Or even contact the coordinator for the OR and let them know your interest in CRNA school and see if shadowing a CRNA would be an option! Most hospitals allow this and if not, you could always contact another hospital to ...
  20. I got accepted into CRNA School

    It seems crazy that I made this post over a year ago! I am about halfway through my 3 year doctorate program now, and if y’all have any questions please let me know! ?
  21. MTSA Jan. 2022

    That is awesome! They typically accept 72 students so that is a huge benefit of the program. My interview was in person. It was in 2019 so I didn’t have to do the zoom interviews. For the interview, they asked personal as well as clinical b...
  22. MTSA Jan. 2022

    Don’t be nervous! Is this your first year applying?
  23. MTSA Jan. 2022

    I’m in my second year of the program now, so if y’all have any questions just let me know!
  24. MTSA DNP Program 2020

    Hello all! I’m applying for MTSA’s DNP program for 2020 and I was just wondering who else out there is applying?!
  25. MTSA DNP Program 2020

    If you wanna PM me, I can give you some tips! I’m on the admissions committee.