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All Content by doggiedaddy

  1. Nurse doing cocaine HELP

    by the way, when i was in the Navy, i went to my training school with this guy who was a Marine corporal, his name was Jose. he had a good friend, another Marine, his name was George. George and I became pretty good friends, too. he was a great g...
  2. Nurse doing cocaine HELP

    turn her in. right away. do it anonymously. then deny that you were the one who did it, if anyone ever asks. you'll fulfil your ethical/moral/professional/legal obligation, and you won't have to be a whistle blower. if she's busting coke out in fron...
  3. BMJ Study Released on Homebirth

    yeah, well, you should see me in drag.
  4. Nasty medical students

    look you already have problems with attracting men to this field, and now you want them to run and scream "Code Pink! Code Pink!" any time some MD says something mean ? lol :chuckle
  5. Nasty medical students

    whats wrong with this argument? pharmacists dont have to "stand up" and demand respect. engineers dont have to "stand up" and demand respect. lawyers dont have to... um... well, never mind about lawyers, you see what i'm saying. nurses, regardless...
  6. Nasty medical students

    you've got to take the lead on this. you've got to stand up to them and put them back in their proper place. formulate your arguments/responses at home. practice them like you practice a public presentation. then be prepared to deliver in front o...
  7. Tom Cruise on Postpartum depression

    sorry if i was rude. truly, i didn't mean to be. but i think it's important that people call things by what they are. actually its quite inconvenient. have you ever had all of your email correspondence monitored? or had every phone conversation...
  8. BMJ Study Released on Homebirth

    because the in the report they spelled the word: "labour". actually it wasnt just american. it was north american. the primary reasearcher is, i believe, a canadian, and the study included canadian midwives. mainly i think it's because the evide...
  9. Tom Cruise on Postpartum depression

    you obviously aren't reading anything i posted. or do you just not understand it? the established definition of cults, as posited by the academics and professionals who study them, does not in any way allow organized religions, major or minor, to b...
  10. Tom Cruise on Postpartum depression

    based on the work of the late Dr. Margaret Singer, the world's leading authority of cults and mind control. The cult is authoritarian in its power structure. The leader is regarded as the supreme authority. He or she may delegate certain power to a ...
  11. BMJ Study Released on Homebirth

    Okay, Ms. Doula, I wish you the best, of course. statistically speaking, the odds are on your side that everything will be allright. And if -- gods forbid -- a medical emergency does come up, I hope your Ambulance arrives quickly and the distance...
  12. Tom Cruise on Postpartum depression

    well, thats a great attitude, but really should only be applied to legitimate religions like Xianity, Buddhism, Islam, Wicca, various indigenous tribal religions, etc. I'm sorry, but you dont have to give respect to cults. scientology is truly a...
  13. Tom Cruise on Postpartum depression

    what really sucks the most about all this, is I wanted to go see "War of the Worlds". but now I can't because he's such a dangerous and offensive lunatic, and I promised myself to never give him another dollar.
  14. BMJ Study Released on Homebirth

    guess what? the Peds team WAS standing by. when our baby was born not breathing and not moving, our OB recognized the problem, and called for the Peds team -- they were there in 5 seconds. they were set up and ready to go, while he was still cut...
  15. Did anyone try to talk you out of being a nurse?

    hey, just want you to know, my wife went thru the same exact thing you are now. she went straight to a very busy med-surg floor right after graduating BSN. it was rough for her, with the 12 hour shifts, a--hole surgeons yelling at her, inept resi...
  16. Did anyone try to talk you out of being a nurse?

    best wishes, im sure you'll love it. but it will be very hard. get your husband on your side. you'll need his support, at least so you can have time to study. just fyi, i too was skeptical of my wife (fiancee then) becoming a nurse. she had jus...
  17. BMJ Study Released on Homebirth

    very nice... minimize the risk. for one thing, the rate of incidence is about 25%. and that's for one wrap. for *mulitple* wraps, the rate is around 1-2%. generally cause no problems? So you consider "not breathing" to be a non problem. certa...
  18. Did anyone try to talk you out of being a nurse?

    well put. i always forget that part. OK. good point. on that note, i'll take my leave
  19. Did anyone try to talk you out of being a nurse?

    yeah, my wife just discovered my posts, and told me i should delete them for that very reason. sorry, too late. but i believe what i've said is true.
  20. Did anyone try to talk you out of being a nurse?

    ok, so maybe real estate isn't so great. honestly, i don't know much about being a realtor. but LPN is slowly but surely being phased out across the country. yes, you can be a great nurse with an LPN -- and there are many great LPNs -- but you w...
  21. BMJ Study Released on Homebirth

    that's not true. i base my opinion on anecdotal evidence. and a little bit of hearsay. look, we considered midwifery and birth centers. and after the experience we had, we are glad we had a hospital delivery with fully trained staff ready to i...
  22. Did anyone try to talk you out of being a nurse?

    (1) no one HATES lpn's, don't get all mushy on me. (2) there are always exceptions to the rule. I'm sure there are some great LPNs out there, and I'm not judging you personally. (3) of course with 25 years of experience, you are topping out the pa...
  23. Did anyone try to talk you out of being a nurse?

    yes, but you are a BSN-RN. following_faith is going to drop a potentially lucrative career in real estate to become an LPN. I dont know what her LPN school is telling her, but she's going to discover the harsh reality of cleaning feces and vomit a...
  24. BMJ Study Released on Homebirth

    yeah, we had a healthy pregnancy with no apparent risks. so we should have done it at home with a midwife right? well unbeknownst to anyone, our baby had the umbilical cord wrapped TWICE around his neck. it was a very difficult delivery, he stopp...
  25. we do have library in school

    google>> rise in "teenage pregnancy" northwest England "The association between socioeconomic deprivation and teenage pregnancy and childbearing is well established in Great Britain (15). A longitudinal study there shows that the risk of beco...