LPN With An Attitude

LPN With An Attitude

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All Content by LPN With An Attitude

  1. Do nurses make a difference?

    Well that depends on your actions and deeds on the job. Let's be honest, most folks are selfish by nature. My biggest stress on the job is not most of the patients, the state/government that come crawling out from under their rocks to hyper regulate ...
  2. Scab nursing?

    I think any nurse that would cross a picket line is the scum of the earth and what they are doing is as despicable as working as a hooker. Most places are woefully understaffed, the staff that they do have is usually overworked, and the latest stunt ...
  3. Positive drug screen for THC. Should I self-report?

    Tell them you were using cannabis oil because you started exercising. Many body builders use this and it is sold at health food stores.
  4. Started my probation. Need help!

    What I was getting at is that you made a mistake. If you really need to make an income to pay your bills and thus avoid being homeless or living in a tent or on the streets, you take what you can get. Beggars cannot afford to be choosers. Whether or ...
  5. Why such a push to get more men into nursing?

    I am a big guy, 6'3" 240lbs. I was an avid weight lifter that worked out with Nautilus machines (negative resistance/strength building) before the good folks at Nautilus divested away from their state of the art machines for cheap, inferior home gym...
  6. Difficult Doctors:  Tips for Students and New Nurses

    I remember this PA who was a wanna be physician and he liked to ask increasingly difficult questions to the point where the nurses couldn't answer. He loved to play mind chess with me because I always gave him a run for his money. I remedied that by ...
  7. Started my probation. Need help!

    The place I work at now is like a nightmare that never ends. It would save me precious time by just wasting the stupid Ativan that one of the many psych patients spit out by not having to walk all the way down the hallway to witness the wasting, but ...
  8. Positive drug screen for THC. Should I self-report?

    I worked with a gal that had a seizure at her old job. When they take you to the ER, they do not inform you that the urine sample they demand is being tested for drugs, which seems unconstitutional to me. So she tested positive for THC. She was fired...
  9. No visiting hours?

    The patients and their families pay your salary, not the for profit facility. We are told "this is the resident's home", and "the state" will write it in their report in one of their sneak attacks (when they inspect, which seems to be a revenue gener...
  10. If you didn't have a mental health issue before entering, chances are you probably will become depressed or even psychotic over time. More seriously, none of us are born the blond haired, blue eyed species. Unless it affects your ability to get your ...
  11. Just got fired from my first real job as an lpn and need some advice

    Unfortunately, the parents of the pediatric cases you speak of can be unreasonable. You have to find the right case, it is largely just a matter of luck and nothing to do with your skills or ability to learn. I am working FT, albeit $6.00/hour less t...
  12. This week, I learned..... (6/6/15)

    Greed is NOT always good. I see on facebook that the crooks in the healthcare rackets charge $800 dollars for that "hydration IV", a bag of sodium chloride is standard issue for all hospital patients, regardless of whether they are dehydrated or not....
  13. This week, I learned..... (6/6/15)

    Yes, I have learned that 1)everything tastes like chicken 2)don't have the audacity to ask to be treated fairly 3)actually believing you can make a difference is a tell tale sign of a nervous break down 4)voting is a joke 5)the US is on the brink of ...
  14. Is this a new trend?

    Having developed a systemic yeast infection from a long course of antibiotics, I am betting that most of those excoriated patients need a few days of Lotrisone cream. Be sure to thoroughly document that redness/excoriation on admission, because of co...
  15. I'm a sexless nurse

    The amount of discrimination us male nurses have to endure is beyond description. It occurs with impunity because we have no protections in place, and when you make such a claim, ridicule is usually the first response. Being a larger guy, who I am to...
  16. Half of the class fails

    Let's face it. Most nursing instructors are witches with a capital B. They have this mentality that if everyone passes their classes, then their program must be too easy. Most are looking tio fail x number of students. My advice to anyone presently g...
  17. I am afraid of Anatomy and Physiology

    My mother was a public school teacher and I didn't have a clue as to what I wanted to do after going through 12 years of Catholic school. They said education was one of the "booming careers". What they didn't tell me was that you don't get a real job...
  18. I am afraid of Anatomy and Physiology

    To the contrary, Brandon. If you read my post carefully, you will see that I emphasized the importance of A and P and pathophysiology and encouraged people to study it hard and learn it well because the more you know, the better nurse you will be and...
  19. I am afraid of Anatomy and Physiology

    The care plans and the drug cards were time consuming. The other major stress for me, aside from working 60 hours a week, was playing the nursing school game. Realize that these instructors have ultimate power of you. They have the ability to pass o...
  20. I am afraid of Anatomy and Physiology

    The instructor I had made you apply what you memorized. When he did the clinical on the muscular system, for instance, it wasn't just labels with numbers on a model. He got in front of the class, flexed his arm, and asked what movement was that (flex...
  21. I am afraid of Anatomy and Physiology

    Of all the nonsense classes that they make people take in order to steal their money, A and P is the hardest course but also the most practical one, perhaps the one you will apply the most. Study it well. Take it before you enter the LPN program. Mos...
  22. Nurses can eat properly if they manage their time

    Cheezwizz, are you that judgmental about your patients? Do you always make grand generalizations like most of the women posting here being obese? I am 6'4", 230 lb male nurse so I don't fit your stereotype and if you are that judgmental maybe you sho...
  23. 21 Things you never mention at a hospital job interview

    Just saying.....the invasiveness of what they subject us to is adding insult to injury, but I can put on a poker face and bluff them, smile at people I despise. We really have no choice, now do we? Yes, it's not all about money but does anyone think ...
  24. Nurses can eat properly if they manage their time

    The truth be told, it is not possible to take your mandatory 30 minute break at work at a typical nursing home or a hospital. The unit managers get to eat their buckets of greasy chicken at the nurse's desk, but if they see a floor nurse attempt to d...
  25. Do Male Nurses Get More Respect?

    In terms of respect from patients and their families/loved ones, I would say yes. However, I can tell you unequivocally that male nurses are routinely discriminated against from the day they enter nursing school until the day they leave the field. I ...