
angeloublue22 BSN, RN

Addictions, psych, corrections, transfers

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About angeloublue22

angeloublue22 has 14 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Addictions, psych, corrections, transfers.

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  1. What made you quit?

    That's crazy! I quit after a pt ripped a 2x4 off a door and was swinging it at staff. Police refused to arrest him because he didn't hit anyone. I guess we shouldn't have been jumping out of the way. The officer in charge then asked, "Don't you guys ...
  2. Feeling defeated with NCLEX... I need serious help.

    Go to YouTube and go to simplenursing. He has great videos that help you fully understand the concepts with easy ways to remember. He saved my bacon in my advanced medsurg class. It's not an advertisement, but I got through NCLEX on the 1st try and i...
  3. A very similar thing happened to one of my friends as well. She has long COVID now but back then they didn't know it existed. It took her a year to get help. I'm sorry this happened to you.
  4. Physical Assault by Patient

    First of all, good job reaching out. I'm so sorry this happened to you. My advice is to talk about it until you are tired of talking about it, then talk about it some more. Also, of course file a police report. Take some kickboxing class or some stre...
  5. This is going to be a long one but I had an interaction with some providers today that lead to me think about some things. I'll start this post by sharing my own experience. I have Hashimotos and was diagnosed 3 years ago after trying to t...
  6. Too Fat To Be A Nurse?

    I love that you want to set an example but you'll be fine. I do recommend weight lifting though because it will help those "old" joints when taking care of patients and it can help protect your joints. I was 150 lbs overweight when I started but lift...
  7. I'm loving that nurses are finally getting together and telling admin that we aren't standing for their crap anymore. We have power together folks!
  8. Recs for board games for mental health unit

    Not a board game but Pictionary is always a huge hit on my unit. Yahtzee, Uno, Skip-boa are also good. Just try to pic a game with limited pieces because they will get lost or used to harm themselves. That's why card games are good.
  9. CDC update on masks

    I work in an inpatient psych hospital and they have now stopped requiring masks. Only visitors wear them and we wear them if we are working with pts with symptoms or COVID positive pts.
  10. How much I pick up affects my yearly evaluation?

    You are not responsible for their short staffing. No you don't have to pitch in and help by picking up extra shifts. You already help out by coming in to your scheduled shifts. But, yeah, they can do whatever they want on your eval. Please, don't the...
  11. License Investigation

    I think the replies sounded snarky because it sounds so ridiculous and outlandish that this would even be a thing! I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I had no idea this COULD even happen. Yes, get a lawyer. You can get one through NSO ASAP, if yo...
  12. How many preceptors did you have?

    I've worked at several hospitals and every one I never had the same one twice. I know it's frustrating.
  13. Shift change -> revokement; no esteem left

    Just tell them that that schedule doesn't fit your schedule. Nurses are a hot commodity, especially in LTC. Most likely, they hired someone else who wants days and they are giving you this spiel to make you feel like you did something wrong. Their ar...
  14. Daily Rant Thread

    I'm snarky today. My work said they had exciting news! What is it? We have T-shirts! They passed around the sizing sheet and I wrote, "I don't want a t-shirt, I'd rather have a bonus." Hope I don't get fired. Oh wait, we have no staff. Lolololol!
  15. Switched to LVN from the Business World and am UNDERWHELMED!

    Unfortunately, a lot of this is typical of nursing school either with LPN or RN. I've done both and unless you're lucky it doesn't really change when you become a nurse. That is why so many people are quitting. We are asked to work in these condition...