
blixkanaan MSN, APRN

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All Content by blixkanaan

  1. New NP pay

    @ Elysia11 and Rock nurse, makes me happy to see that new grads like you guys are coming out of school making bank. We shouldn’t accept less than 100k out of schill. So your teacher was absolutely right! lol. Congrats to the both of you on securing s...
  2. Direct entry Master of Science in Nursing programs

    @LoveAnatomy, because passing NCLEX board exam is one thing, but passing board exam + RN experience is another. Just because you passed the boards doesn’t make you a competent nurse. As I mentioned in my previous many posts on this thread, It makes a...
  3. Direct entry Master of Science in Nursing programs

    Hi, can I just be honest? It's commendable that you are going back to school in the middle of your life but frankly, no one will care about that or what your story is. You just aren't going to have the respect of your peers if they know that you did ...
  4. New NP pay

    First year in family practice made base salary of $54 dollars per hour which if you do the math, is $112, 320 per year. However I only worked ~ 30 hour per week so I made base rate of ~$84,000 per year. With bonus, I made just over $90K. In second ye...
  5. Do FNP's really make 80k to 90k a year?

    I'm a new graduate FNP (started less than a year ago) and earn 90K working 30 hours per week on average. As an RN working full time in an ICU, and with about 6 years of experience, I was earning maybe 66K annually...The earning potential for a floor ...
  6. Do FNP's really make 80k to 90k a year?

    gmorrisFNP, exactly.
  7. Why do some practices prefer PAs to NPs?

    I believe we do get trained well (assuming you go to a brick and mortar school & have strong RN experience; and BSN or bachelors in other related field). I would also like to point out that as independent practitioners, I dont necessarily agree t...
  8. Is it necessary to get experience as a Rn before NP?

    This topic has been beaten to death but I feel obligated to comment where I can on this. First, a question. Do you honestly think that any RN experience could not be useful in primary care or psych? I think many would beg to differ and for me, most o...
  9. Discouraged FNP student

    I am a big proponent of brick and mortar schools. I know someone that went to South University as well and she came out feeling very unprepared and eventually wen't back to floor nursing. As was mentioned before, school choice is very important. This...
  10. Regret Becoming an NP

    Hey Psych.Nurse, I just stumbled on this page because I was surprised by the title and to see why one would say that they regret becoming an NP. I am sorry for the experience you've had so far. I must say that I agree with the some of the comments ma...
  11. Is Becoming A NP Worth It?

    I work an average of 31 hours per week and make $90K per year. Additionally, I don't have a charge nurse, nurse educator, clinical nurse specialist, nurse management, or physicians telling me what to do or constantly watching over my shoulder. As an ...
  12. Direct entry Master of Science in Nursing programs

    To me it does make sense. If you want to get, really, any graduate degree in nursing, you just gotta have the nursing experience. Plus you won't be as marketable without the experience. Maybe in your case you won't have any issues since you other deg...
  13. Direct entry Master of Science in Nursing programs

    You're 100% correct when you say that you will be less marketable if you have no RN experience and did a direct entry to practice program. There are some exceptional schools that do this, and those students have a better shot (i.e., Columbia, Vanderb...
  14. Direct entry Master of Science in Nursing programs

    Please just go the traditional route people. Don't just go straight through. Get RN experience first.
  15. Going to take that leap

    Let us know how it goes. My sister is a nurse (as am I) and she is in a similar predicament. I thought about recommending this to her (that is to apply for school nursing) especially because my mom is a public school teacher, so she would have the co...
  16. Nurse Practitioners: Shortage or Surplus

    Just like in medicine, the same is true for nurse practitioners. That is, there is a maldistribution of us, particularly in the areas that need primary care providers the most. Urban areas are obviously much more desirable than lets say, North Dakota...
  17. "Noctor?" Offensive title?

    It's definitely a derogatory title. So is mid-level...but it is what it is. Just a title to "keep us in our place" I guess. I'd prefer to be called a nurse practitioner....yea, that would be nice...
  18. Why you shouldn't become a nurse practitioner

    Just do what I did. I picked up 2 part time gigs to equal 40 hours per week (and with salary about $100K per year). I'm a new grad btw. This salary is much more than I earned as an experienced bedside RN. I know NPs that make nearly double what I mak...
  19. Why you shouldn't become a nurse practitioner

    Not a waist if you understand your role (or "know your place") and demonstrate passion for what you do. Then you will most likely kick ass in interviews and get the higher paying and most satisfying jobs. Also, I do think (at least my NP education) p...
  20. Why you shouldn't become a nurse practitioner

    It's hard for me to not agree, and I think most honest people entering this career feel this way. I'm a new graduate and right now am struggling with the whole role transition thing. But I think the best take away that you mentioned is about going to...
  21. Essentials of Critical Care Orientation (ECCO)

    ECCO modules are a serious pain. Very informative but take way too long. I will get paid for up to 60 hours on ECCO modules. But I'm a quarter of the way through and have already spend 40 hours on it.
  22. Online vs Traditional NP school

    Nursing is already getting saturated and watered down as it is. Fast track programs etc. Online programs just perpetuate this and is part of the problem. Since nursing leaders wont put there foot down, then I will start educating employers to not hir...
  23. Online Nursing Schools vs Traditional Schools

    Agreed. Sorry, but if you dont have experience as a nurse, you fast tracked and/or did your education online, I would not hire you.
  24. Online Nursing Schools vs Traditional Schools

    Personally, I would never hire a person who obtained their RN or APN degree online. You are part of the problem, and perpetuat it by attending crappy online nursing or APN programs. Nursing is a very hands on skill and to ever think you can master t...
  25. Future Market Saturation

    I agree, if I was in a position of hiring, I would ask the question: how many years of experience do you have as an RN and do you have a BSN? If they answer anything less than 2 years of RN experience and no BSN, then automatic disqualification. I wo...