professional nursing meeting/event


Hello everyone, its been a long time sine I posted but here I go again. I'm in my final semester and need of a profesional nursing organization (any nursing organization) that will be having a meeting/event this september. I live in houston so any event in or near houston would be perfect. So far my google search results have been for TNA meeting in Austin which is a little to far for me. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Nurses Rock!!!

Specializes in retired LTC.

How about a local APIC meeting (Infection Control)?

thanks, I looked on their website, their meeting for September is still pending, hopefully i will attend it. any more suggestions anyone??

Specializes in retired LTC.

National League for Nursing (NLN) also has local chapters. Also New Jersey State Nurses Association (a branch of ANA) has local district chapters, so your Texas State Nurses Assoc probably has area chapters too for such a large state.

I once belonged to a Staff Development/Inservice Nurses group - you might want to call local hospitals and nursing homes and talk to the staff educator to check if there's a similar group in the area. (This was a very local grasssroots top-notch organization with a very diversifed membership - I liked my membership with them the best!)

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