Problem with On Assignment travel co.


I had heard great things about this company, and had completed all paperwork with them in April. They were very slow about getting back to me so I ended up traveling with a different company. Got a message to call them about getting my next assignment with them, so I did. Discussed options with the recruiter, then the assistant called. She calls me daily for a few days telling me they don't have any paperwork on me, I assure her they do. The last straw came today when she calls me at 6:30 am , rudely saying they need my application. Told her to double check (get heavy sighs). She calls back so sorry, we have everything we need. THEN she calls back, and says she needs a copy of my chest x-ray since I had a pos tb skin test 15 years ago.I told her she had that, she looks and says"oh yeah, we do." Then she calls BACK and says they need a copy of my pos TB skin test! I try to explain to her that it was so long ago I don't have it, and that if I had a pos test all they need is the chest x-ray results.She's adament...get another one! I told her this was silly and not to call anymore. Then she was really nasty.They sounded like a good company, but I'll stick with who I'm with now.

Specializes in L&D/MB/LDRP.

That really stinks. I hate that you had that problem with them. If I were you I would contact your recruiter's supervisor & complain. I know you probably don't want to & are fed up with them but for the woman not to know that once you have a + skin test you don't get one any more, something needs to be said. Not to mention that she was pretty much harrassing you and called you @ 6:30 in the morning! I had a recruiter with RN network that called my brother's house (was staying with him on assignment) on 3 different occassions @ 6:00AM waking up the whole house. These people know the different time zones and should have enough respect not to call that early. I talked to her manager and promptlu got a new recruiter.

This company has been given some really mixed comments on another board. I think they need to get some people in the office that have a really good system and know what to ask, how to ask it, and know that 1 + 1 does not always equal 2 in nursing. I think they concentrate on filling the job request, not your requests. Of course, that is normal in today's healthcare is business world, but as a travel nurse, there are certain things, like trust, confidence, and experience that go a long way when we deal with companies.

I travel with them and have had great experience. It all comes down to your recuriter, not necessarily the agency. I have never had a call when I was in the application process by anyone other than my recruiter...............

Your recruiter can make or break your experience. Sorry. :o

The first recuiter I had with the was a REAL jerk. Lied, never called back, just absolutely useless. I switched recuiters and it has been better. I don't think the company is bad, it just depends on the recuiter. I have worked for AMN, RN Network and On assignment and On assignment is by far the best company out of those 3, but it still depends on the recuiter. If you want, I can PM you the name of who I complained to in order to get a new recuiter and she is very nice. But if you are happy and getting what you need from your current company, more power to you. :)

Hi everyone. I am new to travel nursing. It is my dream. I have already had a bad experience with, Shelia, the co-owner from RN Recruit. I worked with her in a local hospital and soon quit my job there to travel. Things were going well getting all my paperwork in and then she disappeared. She got back in touch with me and said she was sorry, but then she did it again. It always seems like she goes MIA when I am about to take an assignment. It took calling her from a phone number she wouldn't recognize to get her to answer the phone. I would strongly advise you to tell everyone you know to now waste their time with this company. It has been a very frustating and disappointing experience.

So, I am moving on. I had recently filled out an online application to on assignment. I don't really know anyone who used them so I was wondering if you could let me know of some good recruiters. Do you know anything about Jessica?

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