Published Jul 27, 2013
1,188 Posts
Our unit is interested in some sort of private, online forum for our administration and charge nurses. It would be used to communicate various information, and also to discuss any issues the charge nurses want to discuss amongst themselves or with administration. Obviously it must be private and secure. I'm envisioning something in the style of Blackboard, or even this sort of forum.
Has anyone ever seen or used anything like this before? Did your it department build it or purchase it? Any suggestions or thoughts?
jadelpn, LPN, EMT-B
9 Articles; 4,800 Posts
Why would you not just do a group email?
If it is multiple users on a forum, even if it just and internal forum, then it really is not private nor secure, even if it is just charge nurses and administration.
Transparency is not a bad thing. Nothing can make the morale of your unit go south quicker than some "secret" forum where charge and administration talk about the workers. Even if it is a matter of talking about policy, policy changes, what is working and what is not--why not bring it to a staff meeting and have everyone's input?
If privacy is what you are seeking, then a weekly leadership meeting in person would be to everyone's benefit. The other part of posting via the internet is that tone is most often not conveyed well, therefore misinterpretations can and do occur.
Look at it this way. What if your nurses started an in house forum, that charges and administration could not be a part of, that was discussion regarding--whatever--. An administrator or a charge nurse would say "you can't fix anything unless you bring it to us and we are aware". Well, same goes the other way around.
You also can not trust that a charge person won't find a comment offensive, and forward same to whom you were speaking of. Things can be taken as slanderous, regardless of the intent. Which as noted above, intent is not really conveyed well via the internet.
Have staff meetings. Have leadership meetings. Make things transparent. If a charge nurse needs direction, talk about it in person. If an employee is not doing what they are supposed to be--have a face to face with them, not discuss them on a private internal message board.
Well, that's fair input.
Emails seem to get lost in the shuffle. We are consolidating some units, and most of this issues we anticipate dealing with on the forum would be more technical, charge oriented issues, things like issues with the computer acuity program, how staffing is assigned (we do it differently between nights and days, per those shifts' preferences), more technical issues that don't concern the entire staff. I'm not interested in wasting 15 minutes of a staff meeting talking about how you are supposed to assign sitters in the PCSS system so that the budget projections next year are correct, particularly with only 1-2 charge nurses at each staff meeting. Group emails do not seem to create the dialogue that we would like, and nurses themselves have complained that they are overwhelmed with the number of emails they get on a daily basis, anyhow. We wanted the forum to serve as a sort of resource, with easy to find, updated info on staffing, chain of command, the computer program, charge nurse's role (what's the charge nurse's job when a code gray is called, when an external disaster occurs, when a pt leaves AMA, when a surgeon calls and says he wants to take a pt to surgery stat at 3am, when we place a pt in hard restraints, those sort of things). It would never be about personnel issues; just technical ones.
Due to staffing issues and life in general, we aren't able to get all our charge nurses at regular meetings. This way, we would have some sort of regular contact without requiring staff to come in for a 30 minute meeting every month. Basically, we're trying to increase communication and dialogue between the charge nurses themselves, and the charge nurses and our director team, but without burdening people with additional meetings or 15 more emails a day. Like I said, we also envision it as a resource for information regarding the skills and technical requirements of charging. Night shift and weekend charges in particular feel some disconnect, and we thought this would be one way to keep them in more contact and in the loop, and to allow the to find answers to some of the things that pop up at 3am, aren't urgent enough to call the director about, but then they forget to ask about it 3 weeks (or 3 months) later when they have the opportunity to ask about it at a meeting.
Frankly, I'm a bit surprised at the negative response, but I'm glad to hear it, to anticipate concerns that other staff might have. I would say that most of the concerns regarding a "secret" group could also be said about email: if someone is discussed, if someone isn't included, if someone printed something off or forwards it...yeah, those concerns exist. I think it would be good of us to remind the CNs it's not a forum for discussion of individual staff members, so I appreciate that comment. The "secret, private" issues is more that we just don't want to violate any sort of privacy laws, we want something that is a format that is acceptable in the health care setting (ie, I don't want to set up a closed group on facebook).
Right now my main concern is if it's even technically possible, and what format other facilities have used. I'm also open to hear what other facilities do besides email and meetings to increase dialogue between the charge nurses, and the charge nurses and their leadership team (directors, clinical nurse specialists, and the assistant directors).
NicuGal, MSN, RN
2,743 Posts
It is an expectation in our unit that you will read your email and attend meetings or read and sign minutes. We also send out a weekly update with things that have been brought up and any changes that news to be implemented. Again, it is expected of every staff member to read emails.
We set up a blog for our journal clubs and we had to jump thru hoops with legal etc since it isn't in a secured site due to privacy, etc. You may have to work with IT and legal to see if it is okay.
And there is no such thing as anything private on social media....that would be a HUGE no no.
Hmm, the idea of a blog is an interesting idea.
I know, it's an expectation at our work, too. But the reality is not everyone does it, and not everyone is good at creating folders for important messages to keep, that sort of thing. Meetings are expensive and not always as productive as the could be.
We could just set up some sort of online resource, and have it not be interactive; but I really wanted to include some sort of interactive aspect, so that off the cuff things could be quickly mentioned and addressed. Things like "Hey, day shift charge nurses, we'd like the night shift aides to start off with 7 pts a piece, since they tend to get a couple of admits during the night." or "Hey, how do you adjust it in the staffing program if you have an aide sit, but then you pull them to the floor for two hours, but then they get placed back as a you keep reassigning them (which is a lot of confusing steps in the system), or just put them in as a sitter all night?" Those sort of issues. And in a place where they could be easily archived and viewed, not just that one time (like in an email), but for the future, if that same issue came up and someone wanted to reference a thread.
I wonder how difficult it would be to build a board like this one? Then we could have a general forum for the unit, and a subforum for the charge nurses. If the entire board were private, the subform wouldn't have to be, and that would take care of any concerns from general staff regarding what was going on in the "secret" forum. Important posts could be stickied or archived for easy future reference.
Sorry, just trying to think outside the box here. I just feel like staff meetings and emails have their place, but we could be using available technology to improve our communication even more, and in particular make night shift, weekend shift, and prn employees feel more in the loop, like they are more involved in and aware of the goings-on on the unit. I feel like those shifts in particular don't get as much input into the incidental decisions and conversations that come up, because they aren't there during the day when the administrative staff is.
Honestly, if they don't read emails they probably aren't going to go on a board. And with a board you would have to police it by holding posts until an admin reads it and approves it. People will post stupid stuff, I can guarantee it. We had a book to write in, kind of like the board, and some of the stuff that got written in there...not necessary!!!
905 Posts
In college we had a google forum where you could add comments to a word type document. Everyone has to have a google account though.
Another thought is a leadershiip meeting where someone who could not be there could conference call in. In our facility, there's a weekly leadership meeting, everyone is emailed an agenda, and info to conference call in if you can't be present.