Hey all, looking for advice/info here. I am a prior service 11B (enlisted) who got out, got my RN (BSN) and have a few years of experience now. I am looking to join the Guard or Reserve (I don't discriminate) as an RN. I am reading some of these threads and they've got me a little worried. How does the process work for nurse? For active duty as an 11B I just signed some papers and went to basic, simple as pie. I read that people are being waitlisted and rejected? What would make someone get a slot as opposed to not get a slot? Is there anything I can do to be more competitive in this process? I would ask my recruiter but I seem to be having difficulty getting ahold of anyone. I asked if I could have the contact info for my local AMEDD recruiter and the GO-GUARD guy laughed at me, told me they don't give out that info until you fill out a complete application, which I now have. I have been waiting for 5 days for someone to call me back with no avail. Any info would be greatly appreciated so I can know what I am getting myself into with this venture.