Published Jul 7, 2016
18 Posts
Print out everything. In the beginning I took notes on my laptop and found myself easily distracted. If you are given powerpoint slides, print them out with the lines on the side for notes.. This way you can highlight and write notes everywhere, even draw pictures. Also, put your phone in your backpack. Khan Academy on YouTube is also super helpful!
11 Posts
I agree with you about printing the powerpoint slides out and taking notes. It's easier to retain what you have learned during that class period.
emmjayy, BSN, RN
512 Posts
Agreed! Writing on the slides takes away the pressure to try to copy the slide in your notes and allows you to focus much better!
marysuehil, ADN
21 Posts
Rather than printing things out, what worked for me was getting a Surface Book. I can write directly on the slides and hand write all my notes in OneNote. I just set up a "notebook" for each class and would take notes in which ever notebook I needed. I also used digital textbooks where ever possible. My Surface Book has a dual screen mode that allows me to have 2 things open side by side. So book and notebooks or slide open next to each other. Some of my Kindle books make flashcards from material I have highlighted. Everything is portable and goes with me where ever I need. And I can sync OneNote and my Kindle stuff to my Android phone and have all my notes to look at even when I don't have my Surface Book.