Prevalence of Christians in the field of nursing

Nurses Spirituality


I will be making a career change, from the banking industry to nursing. Thought about it over the past year. In my industry, Christians are far and few between. I suppose much of this has to do with the main focus being, money.

Wondering about the prevalence of Christians in the nursing field? I know much of this has to do with what area of the country one works. Also, non-Chrisitans may not be looking out for Christians in the workforce. I know in my industry, I feel alone, to say the least.

Are you trying to say that Christians are better suited to be a nurse more so than Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, etc...?

Sounds like you spiritual horse is pretty high, and it's time you dismount.

That is a typical Christian mindset. I'm not at all surprised.

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