prerequisite GPA


Hi there.

I have an undergraduate degree in Business with a 3.2 GPA. I am basically starting from square one as far as prerequisites go. Is it true that prerequisite GPA matters much more than overall undergrad GPA when applying for an accelerated program?

I think it depends on the program. The program I'm trying to get into counts only 4 classes towards getting into the actual program.

And may I ask what program is that?

May I ask what program you are applying to?

What program is that?

A 3.2 undergrad is a pretty good GPA. I made it into my program with a 2.0 undergrad (yes, I graduated by the skin of my teeth), but when I returned to take my pre-req's my GPA for those classes was a 4.0.

Much of it will depend on the program that you're applying to. One school in my area was *very* concerned with my cumulative GPA and would not take into account any mitigating factors and did not care that it had been more than 10 years since I first got my BA. Some schools were only interested in the grades of my pre-req's. You should try to speak with someone at each school to find out what they evaluate your application on.

Good luck! :nuke:

I'm applying to Ivy Tech. They require that you have C's or better in all prereqs but only 4 of the classes go towards your points to get into nursing school, along with your TEAS test score.

Specializes in ICU.

The programs I am applying to at Sac State only look at your pre-req...or maybe it's the last 30 units. Either way, most of those were pre-req classes, so even though I have a not-so-stellar Bachelor's GPA, I have a 4.0 for pre-reqs...yay! Needless to say, I am a MUCH more focused student now!

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