Prepping for the TEAS exam!

Nursing Students TEAS


Current nurses, recent graduated nurses or anyone who has taken the TEAS test, do you have any suggestions on studying for this test? Tips on how to get through it, making sure it is done proficiently even though you only have a certain about of time. HELP!!!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

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I used the McGraw Teas 6 practice book, it was extremely helpful. It mimics the actual test to me, I took the teas 3 times so I have plenty of experience (first 2 attempts I did not study at all). Go through the complete book, get familiar with the vocabulary usage in reading to understand what they are asking in a question, repetition with math is important (fractions, PEMDAS, ratios), AP section is pretty generic so you will have to go into a textbook to get detail info, and grammar is pretty straight forward. Learn you weak points and work on those first! In my honest opinion, they give you more than enough time...either you know it or you don't. You can buy a test on the ati site for about 48, if you like to time yourself and practice....they allow you to take it twice. Also, understand that each section has a certain amount of questions....for example grammar has 28 I to 40 reading questions. So getting grammar questions wrong holds more weight. The teas is an easy test or some and for others, its rough. It truly depends on your education foundation, study hard and you will be fine!!!

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