Pregnant and in Nursing School ( Advice for a friend)


Hi Guys! I am actually writing this for a friend of mine, she doesn't have an account on here but I do. I am actually taking my pre reqs to get into nursing school while she is on her 2nd semester already. She is doing wonderful, and she is 8 months pregnant. Her question is this: She is due end of april and a couple of her teachers don't want her to do clinicals after giving birth for the first 6 weeks...because it's one 12 hour shift...she wants to know, is there a law or rule that students that just had a baby can't work 8 hour shifts + the first 6 weeks of giving birth? She heard some people got around this,and if anyone knows how please help..because she is allowed to attend class but not clinicals by some teachers for 6 weeks...any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks:):)

I too had a baby in nursing school and I was not able to do clinical for 4 weeks although I only got one day off class (Thanks!). I went to a hospital diploma program and in order to return to clinical I had to be cleared by my OB and also by emloyee health at the hospital. Maybe she could return earlier on some kind of light duty. I was fortunate enough that my time was over Christmas when we were off clinical. Her best bet is to talk to someone in administration and find out what her programs policy is.

I was in nursing school when I had my daughter and I had a lady partsl delivery. If she can get her doctor to write a note clearing her to be on her feet for 12 hours for one day a week, then I don't think that they can deny her. Of course if she has complications or has a CS then it will be different. My doctor did provide a note releasing me but I was out for one clinical. Good luck to her!

I am currently pregnant and in my second semester as well, but I lucked out and won't give birth until 3 weeks after school is out for the summer, giving me 2 months to recuperate before I return. All my instructors asked me when Im due because they wanted to make sure it wouldn't interfere with my schooling and if so make plans accordingly. They also told me of another student (a semester ahead of me) who gave birth and came back to do her clinical (1 day a week) right after. I imagine she got a note from her doctor, but never did any of my instructors tell me she or I had to wait for 6 weeks before returning. I guess it depends on the schools policy. She should read the school policy for her nursing school program and see if she can return despite what they say. Given she had no health problems and her doctor will write a note.

Specializes in Tele, ICU, ED, Nurse Instructor,.

The doctor note is a good idea. The instructors may feel if something happens to you they are responsible. They have to cover themselves, also.

Specializes in jack of all trades.

My son was 3 years old when I graduated with my BSN. Whewww! By the skin of my nose so to speak too lol. I had an ill child with frequent hospitalizations but still managed to work and attend my classes full-time. Interesting having a child between birth to 3 who was determined to "help with my work" one way or the other which of course made it challenging but fun. I was able to take him to classes with me with no beef from my professors for doing so. He wasnt disruptive at all. We recently had him tested twice and has IQ 158 so guess some did rub off on him LOL. They allowed me to come back immediately with physician clearance. In fact I was in my 9th month during finals.

A fellow student had a baby in January and was back for 12 hour clinicals 4 days later. We can only miss 1 clinical day in a rotation or we are out, so she was not taking the chance.

Thanks for all your help guys!

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