Published Jan 2, 2009
35 Posts
I am scheduled to start my pediatric rotation in late February. I will be 13 weeks pregnant and clinical will end when I am 20 weeks. I'm not sure how other schools are, but our class is split into thirds and we are randomly assigned to 7 week rotations of either med-surg, peds, or L&D. Whichever clinical I don't do this semester I will take next fall (in what order I don't know) when I have a newborn.
There is another pregnant women in my class and she is due around April, I think. She was assigned med-surg but petitioned the dean to switch because she didn't want to be exposed to anything. She had to find someone willing to switch with her and then was able to change to L&D. Should I attempt to do the same? This is complicated by the fact that my clinical location/time was already changed because of an unrelated reason, and I don't want the person I switched with to be forced to change back. She'll lose her job. However, it's possible that at least some of the people assigned to L&D will be forced to sit a semester out because of academic probation. I would hopefully be able to take their empty place and the person I already switched with could keep her placement. One of the L&D rotations is even at the same location my pediatrics is, but I have no idea if there is a spot open there.
This was a BIG surprise. As in, I have to call and cancel my IUD insertion appointment scheduled this month. I'm embarassed to be pregnant unexpectedly and I'm nervous to contact the clinical organizer. She is not a nursing instructor and can be pretty harsh. But I also want to do participate fully in clinical and have a healthy baby. I am due in early September but due to a history of premature labor I will probably give birth sometime in August. I started my pre-reqs when my daughter was 2 weeks old and started nursing school when my son was 6 months old, so I'm used to going to school full time with babies but clinicals is a different story. I am able to go half time this semester, because I took classes early (so glad now!) so I will just have the clinical and the acute care lecture. Next fall however I have 12 required credits if I stay in the full-time program as planned. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
ETA: I also exclusively breastfeed my kids and I'm a pumping pro, but I don't know how to handle that while at clinical next semester. Any tips for that would be great!
40 Posts
I had my med-surg and peds clinical during my last trimester with my second daughter. It went fine. She was born 8lbs 4oz. At least in the hospital they know if these people are infected with something. I work with a few nurses who are pregnant, so you'll be fine. Just make sure your clinical instructor is aware of your pregnancy, so you're not assigned to a patient who you cannot take care of. We had a guy at work who was on some med (of course I can't remember it) but the pregnant people couldn't go in his room because of this. Good luck with your decision, whichever you choose!!
Ginger's Mom, MSN, RN
3,181 Posts
You are planning on working on as nurse, what is the difference being a student nurse or employed as a nurse? As an instructor, I would ask that you inform the person about your pregnancy and that your OB has cleared for clinicals.
As an instructor I would try not to assign patients that required heavy lifting or any infectious diseases. My pregnant students did very well and graduated
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
It is a myth that there are areas of patient care that are "safer" for pregnant nurses than others. Most of what harms us is unknown (infectious diseases) and therefore unavoidable, so you must be vigilant and take precautions at all times. It is imperative that you discuss your limitations with your physician/midwife well in advance of your clinicals, then plan a way of meeting your clinical requirements within those guidelines.
Good luck to you!