Pre Nursing With A Family

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


So after many...many years of putting off going to school because of well life I will finally be starting my pre nursing classes this fall. I'm a little nervous about it all because I do have 3 kids and I will have a new born right before classes start. I also work full time as PCT at the hospital. I'm aware of the fact that I have a lot to deal with but I am up for the challenge. Are there any other pre nursing students that can relate to my situation? Just someone I can relate to.

I have 4 kids (9,7,6 &2) and am finishing up my pre reqs this summer. I start an ADN program at the end of August!

It's not as hard as I thought it would be. Ease yourself in with maybe 1 or 2 classes only your first semester!

Good luck!

I can totally relate! I work full time 8-5 with an 8 month old and expecting my second, which is due the 2nd or third week of school. I just enrolled and am so nervous about how my semester will be affected with the new baby. I am more motivated than ever though and I want this more than anything! I definitely think we can do it!!

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