Good or bad sign?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


So, I sent my application in to one of the schools I am applying to a few weeks ago and I met with the director of admissions back in October-ish.

In order to complete your application, you had to pass the NLN, submit all transcripts, complete an essay and sent three letters of reference.

I called the person in admissions because I completed the NLN and wanted to know if there was anything else besides my essay and references that they needed. She was not in the office so I left a voicemail.

She called me back a few minutes later to let me know that they've received my scores from NLN (they were good) and that I've been "waived" from writing and essay and references.

I've never heard of such a thing and I'm hoping this is a good sign for me.

Any input? Thanks!

You're so sweet!

What's your story CT? Have you applied anywhere?

Thank you. My story hu? Well I am an "old" lady who after years of stopping and starting the nursing track finally said, I don't want to go to my grave regretting that I didn't fulfill my dream..and so, on a whim, I drove myself to the closest school that had an LPN course and took their "entrance" exam. Surprised myself since its been eons since I've been in school. I've taken college courses only as recent as the early 2000's. Around here its tough getting intothe Nursing programs, need current Sciences, mine are old, and tons of pre-reqs.

So beginning March 12th, I will be an LPN student at a private Tech school here in CT. It'll be a long hard 15 months but on June 13, 2008 (cross those fingers, toes, eyes, and legs) I'll graduate and be able to sit for the NCLEX. Plan on working about a year (taking a College Chem..again..since my Chem is too old to use) then applying to another local Hospital that has a Nursing College. Hopefully I'll get my RN and from there, my dream job is NICU.

Let us know the outcome! I'll be sending out positive vibes for you!

Old Lady!!!! I am 33, will be 34 in a few months. That makes me old, too! :)

Good for you! You must be thrilled that you are already in your program. I am sure you are going to do awesome!

It's an amazing ride, isnt it? Sometimes I wish I did this when I was out of high school, but I don't know if would be as fun. :)

I've always wanted to be a nurse. For as long as I can remember I wanted this. I did attend college right out of high school but I really didn't want to. I wanted to work a year and then go. I was "forced" into attending right after HS and I HATED it. Didn't do so well due to wanting to flunk out..imagine..I didn't do well on purpose so I could get out of it.

Flash forward, back in college again (older now and WANTING to be there)..and life happened..had to drop out..and then again..older, back in taking pre-reqs..finally got disgusted and convinced myself I didn't really want to be a nurse..did a good job of it too, totally convincing myself I didn't want to do it.

And then for whatever reason I thought, its do or it now, or die regretting it. And that leads me to..starting school in 13 days..can you tell I am excited..13 days!! I get my books on the 8th and can't wait to get them to start reading through..I know, I'm a big dork LOL

Yay! I can relate. I so want my books! Do you have uniforms? I can't wait to have the opportunity to buy uniforms and shoes!:lol2:

By the way, we're almost neighbors. I live on the MA/NH border.

My husband and I used to hit Foxwoods & Mohegan a lot (before kids). :)

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