anyone else finished but can't apply?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Boy I am starting to feel very envious of all the people finishing their pre reqs and getting acceptance letters! I am finished in 2 weeks but I can't even apply until september first for Spring 08 admission. Seems so silly to be sitting around doing nothing for 9 months what a waste of time. But I guess I could use the break I'll be refreshed for nursing school, however on top of that always the possibility that I don't get in.

be positive, ill keep you in my prayers. you will make it. have you thought about putting your ap in @ other schools?

hi thanks, i am fairly sure i'll get in, but it is a pain waiting.

there really aren't any other options for schools where i am, i am limited on where i can travel too with 3 kids at home. its ok i don't really mind waiting well i do but was wondering who else had too. so i could moan along with them

A friend of mine will be in his mid 40's by the time he finishes his RN. That's not my point, my point is, he just told me today that his dad (I assume has at least got to be in his 60's) just went back to school to be an LPN-- if it's not too late for him, you have plenty of time. ;)

Thanks for your encouraging and uplifiting response.

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