Published May 12, 2015
2 Posts
I guess I just needed some where to vent. I am 40 years old and Super excited about taking my pre-requisites in order to enter one the Nursing program over at Malcolm X College here in Chicago. My ultimate goal is to acquire my BSN so that I can qualify to enter a Nurse Practitioner program preferably at Rush University with a focus on Family Practice. At the rate I am going seems like I will never get There, but I have a will, and I am determined. Right now I am taking one course at a time in order to master this. HAs anyone else gone down this road, if so please give me your insight.
46 Posts
How many credits do you already have and how long is each of your courses? I have to complete at least 67 of 70 credits before I can begin clinicals, which only start once a year (Fall). I would like to begin Fall 2016. Here's what I have so far:
6 previous credits that will transfer
Winter 2015 - 15 credits
Summer 2015 - 13 credits
Fall 2015 - 17 credits
Winter 2016 - 16 credits
Summer 2016 - 3 credits and BREAK LOL
Fall 2016 - Nursing School!!! (Hopefully)
897 Posts
Hi there!
I'm applying to my school's nursing program in August, starting (hopefully) in January. I'm 30 and have 3 kids so it has been a bit slow going for me as well. The program I am applying to is ADN but I will be doing a bridge to get my BSN from another school here in Nevada so I've been working on my pre-reqs for that too. I haven't been doing one class at a time except during the summer, I usually take 2 or 3 classes.
Summer 2013 - 3 credits
Fall 2013 - 6 credits
Spring 2014 - 7 credits
Summer 2014 - 4 credits
Fall 2014 - 9 credits
Spring 2015 - 8 credits
Summer 2015 I'm taking 4 credits and Fall 2015 will be 7 credits and I will be applying to the program.
It's been slow going but I've been able to spend time with my kids and things like that. It will get more hectic once I get in so I appreciate the extra time I've had with them.
Good luck to you!
93 Posts
I have been doing 2 classes a semester now for 3 years and it has worked great for me! When I first went "away" to college, I had 4 or 5 classes my first semester but I had the hardest time keeping up, mostly because I was 18 and focused on getting the "college experience" (partying, drinking, staying up until 5 am). So when I ended up leaving university, I got my medical assistant certification, got a decent paying job, and have been taking 2 classes a semester. I pay for my classes out of pocket so it is incentive for me to do well in my courses, my job also reimburses me for the courses. It has helped me see how important finishing school really is. So I say you are definitely going down the right road, it all depends on how much you can handle and still do well.
Good luck!
101 Posts
It is really individual. What one person can handle, another may not be able to.
I have only completed one semester of pre-reqs so far, but I have finished 6 credits plus my CNA prerequisite (CNA is required for entrance into my program.) I wanted to complete my CNA course as soon as possible because I felt it would be a good barometer for me to tell whether or not nursing was something I really want to do - actually getting your hands dirty and working in the healthcare environment is vastly different from reading about it in a book! I've discovered that I love ,love, love it - as I suspected I would.
I am taking 6 more credits over the summer, and then 9 in the fall. Technically, I could apply for the nursing program at my school as early as spring 2016; but I don't want to take any pre-reqs concurrent with nursing courses (you are allowed to with my program, you only need to have CNA and 4 classes completed before applying) because I believe it would overwhelm me. And I have the time, I'm in no major hurry, so I plan to finish everything up before I actually apply.
My program is a dual enrollment ADN and BSN, so it will only be a matter of months after completing my ADN that I will be finished with my BSN. Pretty sweet.
Pssst..I'm old, too. 35.