Published Jul 22, 2010
2 Posts
Help! I'm worried. I'm a new RN and I was given a scholarship with an exchange of 3 year commitment toone of the hospital. Yesterday I had a pre-hire drug test. My diet doctor prescribed Phentermine 48.75 mg (30 mg cap & half of the 37.5 mg tab) and Topiramate 25 mg, both once a day for weight loss. I've gained 20 lbs since I started school and my energy is at a ll time low. Now I read that the Phentermine can cause a false-positive on the u/a. I called HR manager & left a message letting her know that I can provide a prescription. I wish I would've known to inform the HR before hand like what I've read on the boards. I did list the meds when they did my physical but I didn't list them on the lab sheet.
What do I do now? I read the hospital's policies and it seems if its positive they don't even go further with anything else like a blood test. You're just done! I don't know what to do. I have nothing to hide. I'm willing to do a hair test, blood test, any test. PLEASE HELPPPP!
38,333 Posts
Stop hyperventilating, you informed them, now wait to see what they will do or won't do. It is now out of your hands.
Boog'sCRRN246, RN
784 Posts
I take phentermine and I've never had a problem with it showing up on a drug test. I think I've had to take three drug tests since I've been on it. Never had a call or been questioned about it.
1 Post
I was taking Phentermine when I got drug tested for nursing school. They didn't have a place for me to list current medications, so I didn't. I had a letter from my doctor, just in case it came up. But it never became an issue.
I wouldn't worry about it. If you find out that there was a false positive, present proof from your doctor that you were on the meds. I don't think it's anything to freak out about. Hope it all works out for you!
96 Posts
I've done two drug tests in the past three months, was on phentermine the whole time, and it was never an issue. I let them know beforehand, and had a printout from my pharmacy to give them. It'll be ooookkkk. Breathe.
Thank you so so much! I just don't want to lose this job and let alone pay back the $18 grand they paid my school.
58 Posts
As long as you have a prescription, you will be ok.
Just another person who was on phentermine and passed the drug test. :)
Don't worry!
dthfytr, ADN, LPN, RN, EMT-B, EMT-I
1,163 Posts
You've got a Rx, no problem. They're looking for recreational stuff.