PRCM 3250J starting 8/26..anyone in?

Nursing Students Ohio University


I am in section 1003 with Professor C. P-----. Anyone in it with me?

And those who have had it, how bad is it? Is every week a big deal, or are some weeks easier than others??

Specializes in ICU,ER, Radiology, Online education.

adoyno that is why he has the extra credit grammar quizzes which are 10 points. Lots of people in my class did not do the final assignment. I did the extra credit instead which was equal to the last assignment. I ended up with a 97% without doing the final assignment

I'm in, and not looking forward to it.

Did you look at the book we're supposed to order? Do we need both the textbook and whatever that "bundle" is listed under it?

Did you need everything listed for the course? I have a hardcover 11th edition do you think that will work?

Specializes in Pediatric Hem/Onc.

Anyone complete the academic outreach section of this class? Do I really need that custom book or can I get by with the hardback version? I don't care if the chapters aren't in the same order. I just don't see spending $100+ on some loose leaf sheets....especially for what is essentially an elective =/

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