Pray for me...

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I have officially received denial from my nursing program. I have never felt more crushed than I do right now. My friends have their spring nursing schedules all planned out, and are currently ordering books while I'm searching other schools to apply to.... I was so close to getting in, I can't believe that this is happening.... I have one more chance to get into my current school's nursing program, for fall semester. After that my school is not accepting students for an entire year (no one knows why). I am not allowed to retake any pre-nursing courses so my GPA is permanent (and accounts for 50% of the acceptance factors). I can however retake the pre-nursing exam (which accounts for the other 50%). I am aiming for a 95% on this test. I take it in a month. So, I'm just asking everybody to pray that I do well, and maybe offer some encouragement. I want this so bad :cry:

thank you everyone for all your prayers and encouragement! I got a 98!!!!!!! :D :D

That is awesome! So does this mean that you are accepted for fall?

i will find out soon!

Congratulations and good luck. Please keep us posted, keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Stay positive! You can do it.

just got my letter!!!! ahhhh i'm so excited!!!!!

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