Practicum Trouble

Nursing Students General Students


So, my preceptor is really cool, laid back, but kind of aggressive. She keeps telling me to leave early (we're on night shift)- I think just so she can hang out with her friends during the slow time (4am-7am), and makes me do things I'm not supposed to do as a student, I think so it makes her job easier. I only have her for 3 more weeks, and one of my friends keeps telling me I should report her to my instructors at school, while other friends say just keep the peace for the next few weeks and do whatever she tells me to do so I will get a good report from her. My morals are being tainted I think..I don't like doing things i shouldn't do, but I also don't want to make an enemy or make things harder on my instructors as it was hard enough for them to find practicum placements for us. HELP!!

Whoa, Nellie. You must NEVER, NEVER do things that are outside your scope of practice (you do have one- it's as a student nurse, with whatever limits the hospital, school, and BoN place upon students) no matter who tells you/shows you how/says "I'm right here, honey, you go ahead."

You must never, never cut short your clinical hours because your program requires you to have them for graduation.

This is not just a danger to your morals. It could get you kicked out and disqualified for good. Go to your faculty and explain this stat. This "preceptor" is practicing unsafely, and is encouraging you to do the same.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
You must never, never cut short your clinical hours because your program requires you to have them for graduation.

And not only does the school require those hours, the BON may as well if your program doesn't go beyond the minimum requirement.

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