Published Nov 17, 2005
19 Posts
Hello everybody,
We (Eastern Swiss Childrenshospital St.Gallen) have developed a questionnaire to collect information over the optimal use/current practice of using O2 and SaO2 in preterm Infants with bradycardia/apnea syndrome. There exists a considerable body of literature on this theme, but little relevant information regarding optimal practice in the clinical setting. Therefore we are asking for help from other Units in Europe, UK and the USA to provide information regarding their practice in this area.
I would be very grateful if you could share your practice. I would be particularly interested to hear from the staff who are actually involved in treating this syndrome. Reply´s can be treated confidentially and all interested Units will be informed of the results and accredited as necessary should publication follow.
You can download the questionnaire here
Replies, comments or enquiries can be send to the Practice Group of the NICU which you can reach by sending an email to:
[email protected]
Thank you all in advance.
Hello out there,
As everybody can see, my post was read about 88 times by different People, but i havent received a single questionnaire.....
What´s the problem? are there no Nurses that can answer the questions?
Don´t they want to? Too much work?
Can someone please tell my why there is no response to my questionnaire?
thx Sky
6,620 Posts
I can't seem to cut and paste it to email for some reason. It would probably be easier for people to answer if you just typed the questions on here.
Hospital / Unit:
SaO2 Limits in Preemies: Depends on gestational age. At less than 33 weeks, we set the limits from 85-93. 33-36 weeks it's 88-95 I think and 37 weeks and over it's 94-100.
Do you stimulate : I stimulate for ABs or just As or just Bs as needed.
At which value do you stimulate the Infant? Depends on the infant. A chronic kid who swings a lot won't get stimulated until he's gone lower than a new baby that isn't chronic. Say in the low 70s for that type of baby, maybe the mid 70s for other kids if they aren't coming up on their own.
How many sec. Do you usually wait before you stimulate the Infant? 10-30 seconds I'd estimate. I've never timed myself.
When do you start using O2 ? When deep breaths aren't brining the sats up on their own.
How muchl O2 is used? Increased by 5-10% until the desired sat is reached. Many of my coworkers like to crank the O2 to `100% immediately, but this is very much against our policies.
When do you start bagging the Infant (Mask/Ambi bag)? If the infant is remaining apneic despite vigorous stimulation.
Do you have a fixed Practice Guideline? Yep.
Do you have an„unofficial“ guideline? I guess since nurses seem to do whatever they want sometimes.
Is Practice in this case individual / „intuitive“? At times. Like I said, I treat some babies differently than others. Chronic babies who routinely desat and pick themselves up have to go lower to get me to increase their O2 or stimulate them than a baby who rarely does it.
dawngloves, BSN, RN
2,399 Posts
Yes, I was having problems with the download as well.
SaO2 Limits in Preemies: 35 weeks, over 95%
Do you stimulate : For bradys
At which value do you stimulate the Infant? HR
How many sec. Do you usually wait before you stimulate the Infant? Don't wait if they go below 80.
When do you start using O2 ? Sats
How muchl O2 is used? Increased by 5-10% until the desired sat is reached. .
Do you have a fixed Practice Guideline? Yes.
Do you have an„unofficial" guideline? No.
Is Practice in this case individual / „intuitive"? Yes. If the baby is a chronic "desatter" that can bring themselves up, we won't touch the oxygen if they say dip into the 60s for a few seconds.
If you´d copy the document to your desctop, you should be able to fill out the Qestionnaire and then insert it at your Email program to send it to me...i just tried it.
SaO2 Limits in Preemies
Upper Limit:
Lower Limit:
Do you stimulate :
At which value do you stimulate the Infant?
SaO2 of:
How many sec. Do you usually wait before you stimulate the Infant?
When do you start using O2 ?
How muchl O2 is used?
10% more
20% more
50% more
100% more
How fast? In seconds or minutes:
When do you start bagging the Infant (Mask/Ambi bag)?
HF (bpm.)
Do you have a fixed Practice Guideline?
Do you have an„unofficial" guideline?
Is Practice in this case individual / „intuitive"?
i´d appreciate your answers, and if you write your e-mail adress i would let you know about the results we are hoping to find....
thx in advance Sky