Published Dec 11, 2009
1 Post
I am from Ontario, Canada and understand that we use the term RPN but everyone else uses the term LPN. Anyways, I have been an RPN for 7 years, graduated 2002. I was the last year to take the course as a certificate vs the diploma it is now offered as. Graduated highschool in 2000, so again under the old cirrculum. I now am thinking of going back to do my RN and finding out that its a challenge and when i contact the schools I dont get return calls or emails.
I know that I can bridge from RPN cert to diploma then bridge again from RPN diploma to Bscn, which is going to be five years of school. With the Rn program only being 4 I might as well start at the very beginning.
Has anyone done what I am attempting to do recently? If so what courses did you need to get into the RN program. Where do I get these courses? I know I need to update some of my sciences and maybe maths, but any where I look for classes the course outline tells me that the course is not accecptable to get into the Rn program.
Someone please help point me in the right direction!!!!!
28 Posts
You should check out the LPN to BN program through Athabasca University.
20 Posts
it sounds like you may have to do some upgrading in order to begin your bridging but i know algonquin college & ottawa u offer a collaborative degree as well as a bridging program.
i'm not certain but i thought you needed your pn diploma in order to begin, not the certificate. most schools will book you in for an appointment to give you information but aren't interested in giving it over the phone or email. i met with kent at the academic access center on campus and he got me sorted out and explained what i needed and how to get where i wanted to go. they are wonderful and you can find their website below!
good luck!
8,343 Posts
When PN education changed from Certificate to Diploma, the only real change was the addition of the Arts transfer credits in English, etc.
It was a common question in AB when the change occurred because many LPNs with certificates had degrees or college diplomas in other disciplines (which covered the English, Psych, etc). We were told that we would not be issued a diplomas but that our prior education would be credited by Athabasca. You just need to have all your educational documents in order and leave it to the programme you apply for to evaluate and get back to you.