Pt 24yo female 1 day postpartum. Baby is in NICU due to other complications but only the mother was my pt. I need five diagnoses total and I only have four. If there is any input on the four I have already that would be appreciated also. Due in 24hrs.
R/T situational crisis AEB pt verbalization of not being able to breastfeed while her baby is in the NICU.
Pt will use breast pump effectively by the end of shift.
Goal met; Pt demonstrated the correct use of the breast pump independently as 1130. Cont. POC
R/T episiotomy AEB pt states...
Quote"It hurts when I sit or walk. I would rate my pain at a 6 or 7. I really need something to make the pain better."
Within 4 hours of interventions pt will experience a decrease in pain level by reporting a pain score of 2 or less.
Goal met; Pt stated pain level at a 2 one hour after interventions. Cont POC
R/T episiotomy AEB 3rd degree laceration in the perineal area
The pt will remain free of infection throughout shift, without any signs and symptoms of infections, and exhibit evidence of progressive healing as demonstrated by clean, dry, absent edema, and intact episiotomy site.
Goal met; Pt showed signs of progressive healing as demonstrated by clean, dry, absent edema and intact episiotomy site.
R/T mood alteration and pain
The pt will cope with mood lacerations, by verbalization of positive statements about newborn and participation in newborn care
Goal met
Quote"Even though it hurts to walk I feel that it is worth it to go and see the baby."
Cont POC