where to post questions?


I have seen this thread before but I couldn't find it. When I post questions in specialty sections I get maybe one response. One time I found out, after several posts back and forth, that my discussion was not with a nurse, just someone who had had the procedure done!

Seems that even if my question is specific to a specialty I would have a better chance of getting more replies under general nursing than going to specialty! Why bother with specialty?

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

In any section you will find many responders who have no healthcare experience to speak from. They may be pre-nursing students or others who are considering a career in nursing. Sometimes the husbands of nursing students weigh in (I've seen that more than once) and sometimes responders have no healthcare experience and have no plans to get any...they just seem to like this nursing forum:confused:

I do think, however, that those inexperienced responders are very prevalent in this general forum...I'd be surprised if many hang around the specialties.

Well...... thanks for your so far "one response"!!!! I know non-medical responders weigh in on any topic. You can never be sure, sometimes, thankfully, they identify themselves as nursing students or not a nurse.

On the other forum with the lay responder, we went back and forth a few times, not a life and death topic (gastroenterology). When I asked her something really specific she responded that she wasn't actually a nurse!

I think lay people, our former or potential patients, can give us a lot of insight and useful information. But I would hope they would start their response with "I'm not a nurse.... but."

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