Published Oct 16, 2008
80 Posts
Please give me some advice. My husband had a right total knee replacement in early August. The first time the dressing came off, the incision looked great (I never thought to look at the bottom part of his leg). His leg was rewrapped with the ace bandage. The next day, three severe blisters had formed on the medial aspect of the lower leg (mid-shin down to ankle). The dressing was left off. These blisters grew to about the size of tennis balls, and the next day the surgeon "wiped" one, the skin ruptured, the other two were left alone to hopefully go down.
To make a long story short, he was diagnosed with cellulitis. We have done many runs of different types of antibiotics. We finally have the wounds closed, but the bottom of the leg is very painful, still discolored, still swollen even though that leg is now smaller than the left. After going back to the GP doc Monday he was given the boot. They told him to contact an internist and was given a RX for an antibiotic again. (That internist can't see him until towards the end of November.)
What in the world should I do? I'm at my wits end! HELP, PLEASE.
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
Shoot, you know we are not allowed to give medical advice.
Has he seen a wound care specialist? Were the wounds cultured to find out what it is?
I'm not asking for "medical advice".
I would pester the doc to be seen or give a wound care or infection control consult.
The wound care doc stated he doesn't need to see us anymore since the wounds are no longer open. We are awaiting an appointment with an infection control doc. To be honest, I'm scared he's going to lose his leg or his life. I though cellulitis only lasted 7-10 days. We're now in week #10.
It's very frustrating to me being a RN caring for patients, and not able to help my own husband get well.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
We are very sorry but I also interpret this as asking for advice which we just can't provide.
Please seek a second opinion of a wound specialist - you can get another referral from the infectious disease doctor.
Take care - I'm sorry for your frustration and your husband's pain.