Published May 17, 2013
2 Posts
Hello everyone, I would like to know which hospitals in Kansas are reputable to work for. I'm a cardiac/pulmonary RN of 7 years on a step down unit and would like to find a similar position in Kansas. I do realize there are few union hospitals as well, that being so, with non-union hospitals is there a contract to sign and how does that work? Thank you for your time. AC.
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10 Posts
Most hospitals have unions but you are not required to join or pay fees in less you join. I work at KU Hospital and we are given the option. We have several ICU's that would benefit from your experience. Good luck to u!
Thanks for your answer, however I only have my ASN, KU is only hiring BSN. Do you know anything about the HCA system or even St Luke's? From what I understand KS is a right to work state, and do must hospitals require a hiring contract & what if one breaks the contract? Thank you. AC
HCA didn't have contracts when they offered me a position last August...not sure about now. Missouri is also a right to work state but that has not been a problem. Everyone I know at St. Luke's lives it there, I can not say the same for HCA. Sorry :-)
dirtyhippiegirl, BSN, RN
1,571 Posts
Lots of hospitals in the area are cutting costs and staff. Liberty laid off 150+ nurses. Rumors are that Truman is heading for big lay-offs. (I know for certain that they're closing the majority of their psych units both on HH and at the satellite facilities.) HCA is...HCA. Never met a person that liked working there but their usual cost-cutting might save your job in the long run. Providence and St. Mary's tend to lay off like clockwork every year. I'm at KU and there are big talks about decreasing our PTO, decreasing benefits, and probable pre-training layoffs of recently hired new grads on several units including my own. North Kansas City was bought out a while ago and has been in a slow-fire phase for a few months.
I have friends at St Luke's but haven't heard much? Might be the best option but the majority of St. Luke hospitals are in MO, not KS. Different and slightly more difficult license process.