Possibly new job.


Specializes in Long term care.

Hello! I currently work in ltc. I don't hate my current job, but I don't feel happy there either. I've been there 3 years and it is the only job in the medical field I've ever had. I felt like I needed a change so I started applying at other ltc facility's. I had an interview today they have 72 pt and 23 of them are skilled. It will be me and one nurse on nights. The 23 skilled residents has me concerned because that's a lot of charting. My current job it's me and another nurse taking care of 66 residents. 8 of them are skilled. The new job would be a 3$ an hour raise. I'm just looking for advice. I know the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Input would be helpful. Thanks all.

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

Do you have to chart every shift? At most facilities, after the first 72 hours, you only have to chart on a skilled resident once a day and usually it's not on the night shift.

Specializes in Long term care.

I'm pretty sure it's every shift. Then I'll hAve weekly summaries to do. Or charting anything out of the norm on everyone else.

Specializes in LTC, Memory loss, PDN.

12 or 8 hour shifts?

Specializes in Long term care.

12 hour shifts. 3 days on 3 days off rotation.

Look at how your time is spent now at your current job. Break it down into 60 min intervals. See how much extra time you normally have, and if this could be utilized for additional charting at the new fac. Most of the time, of you leave with adequate notice and on good terms, don't talk negative about the prev facility, and let them know you are only leaving because of the increased wage then they will rehire you if you don't like it. U may even stay prn at old job until you're sure.

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