Possible strike at MGH

Nurses General Nursing


It was announced on the local news here a strike is possible at MGH. Any comments from anyone who knows the situation? I understand the employees have been working for months without a contract. Local gossip was swirling last year that this facility was on the verge of closing. I do know that many physicians do not accept consults from the ER at this facility. There should be some official word within a week.

Hi Belcher,

No news is good news to the employees there. I understand there is a "no gossip" policy going on right now. LOL. The union will not budge on any more points or at least that is what employees are saying. If the place closes many employees are going to demand to go to school for retraining. Yes, some nurses are saying they will collect umemployment, then go to miners school, then just not go back to work. Very few of them want to drive to Charleston.

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