Positive pressure ventilation

Nursing Students Student Assist


"Hypoxemia secondary to an intrapulmonary shunt is usually not responsive to high O2 concentrations, and the patient will usually require a positive pressure ventilation."

I do not understand this concept. Positive pressure ventilation is either a Cpap or a biPap. A Cpap does not give oxygen, it only give room air. If this is the case, then how does this affect hypoxemia? If this does work, then how come oxygen by face mask does not work? *

I do not know what kind of equiptment comes under the category of positive pressure ventilation. Can some body please clarify this for me?

Well with an intrapulmonary shunt, blood flows to the lungs as it should, but it doesn't pick up Oxygen because your aveoli aren't functioning properly(maybe you got some atelectasis). Have you guys covered V/Q ratio and mismatch? The normal V/Q ratio is actually 0.8, but in the case of shunting your Q(blood flowing to the lungs) will be normal, and your V(oxygen that can come in and mix with the blood) will be low, so you'll have a LOW V/Q ratio. If the blood is flowing to the lungs normally, but the aveoli aren't functioning...you can give them 100 liters of 02 via facemask, nasal cannula, whatever you want, and it won't help because the aveoli are collapsed in the case of atelectasis, or just aren't functioning. So what are you to do? Use pressure to keep them open and prevent them from collapsing. CPAP, even though you aren't necessarily giving them 100% or some high concentration of oxygen, will keep those aveoli from collapsing and recruit others so that your V will move closer to normal. Once you have the pressure keeping them open, then the oxygen can mix with the blood like it should.

Specializes in ER, progressive care.

don't forget about PEEP (positive end expiratory pressure)...but in short, PEEP/CPAP/BiPAP helps the keep those alveoli open to facilitate gas exchange.

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