Published Jul 17, 2008
7 Posts
I've been working in a clinic and was matched with a doctor from Hell. She had me so stressed out that if affected my health and I had to leave. She was also new to the clinic from having an independent practice. She did not want to conform to a group practice. She expected me to do whatever she says even against the clinic policy. :bowingpur But worse, I felt like I couldn't do anything right. I never heard anything positive and was always getting yelled at for everything that she felt went wrong. I became accustomed to hoping I wouldn't hear anything b/c then I knew everything was alright. She moved things around on my desk and was trying to organize me the way she thought that I should be. If I prioritzed one thing, then the others were suppose to be the priority. One day I did some of everthing but that wasn't good enough. She was constantly ripping into me and it brought me down. The manager was well aware of this and was trying to help me but it became mutual that I should leave b/c it was hopeless. No one in the clinic wants to work with her either. She especially hates having to answer to the manager or anyone higher up. She's the one that should of left, not me. But as we know, doctors are God and whats wrong with you that you couldn't work with her? :scrm:HELP How do I explain to future managers in an interview why I'm not there? I say that we were not a match. But it still looks like I'm the one with the problem. You can't say anything negative about a prior job. How can I make this look like it wasn't me?
Virgo_RN, BSN, RN
3,543 Posts
Don't try to justify or explain, just say what you have been, that it wasn't a good fit. Then proceed to highlight your wonderful qualities that would make you a great employee.
Yeah, I guess I could say we weren't a good fit but what I gained from my experience was...these good qualities...Its always good to turn it around to something positive. Thanks
295 Posts
I think explaining that you and the physician were not a good fit should be a sufficient explanation. Any manager should understand that as it happens all the time. I have been working in a medical clinic for eight years and have seen many examples.
I wish the best for this doctor's next nurse. :uhoh21: Glad you moved on; good luck in your next position.