Polk State Fall 2018 Hopefuls


Hello everyone! This is my very first post, but I have been snooping for awhile now. I didn't see a current thread for Polk State Fall 2018 hopefuls so I figured I'd start one, so that I could find others like myself that may or may not be in full on freak out mode!!!

Here is a little about me...feel free to share a little bout you! I am a 34 year old mom of 3. I have a teaching degree, but unfortunately, the school system sucked the joy right out of that! I have instead homeschooled my kids for the past 8 years while working for my husband helping him get his business up and going. My oldest is now getting ready to start high school and I have been feeling lead to step out and do something new...plus we could really use 2 incomes now that the kids are getting older. My passion has always been helping people and being a paramedic was always on my list of dream jobs, however their hours are hard with having an active family. After much thought, I have decided to pursue a midlife career change and become a nurse! My family is super supportive and thinks I would do great. With that being said, I am freaking out at all the change and the what ifs!

I have all but my science pre-reqs complete. I am taking A&P 1 over the summer and applying for fall pending completion in hopes I can take A&P 2 and Micro while doing the nursing program (if I get in); however I hear it is harder to get accepted without all your sciences complete. I have a 3.75 overall GPA and a 3.64 program GPA. I also have a bachelor's degree. I am taking the TEAS this Friday. I have taken 2 practice exams and scored a 72 and an 81. I am hoping I can pass it but am finding it difficult in the science section since I haven't had A&P. I am holding on to hope though that I can pull it off and end up getting accepted somehow for the fall. I am not getting any younger...LOL!

So what's your story? Past or current students have any advice?? Hopefuls want to freak out with me?? All are welcome!!!

Hi! What was your score when you got in as an alternate last year?

Around 104-107 points I believe.

Hi everyone! I've also applied for the fall semester and wanted to be apart of this thread to have some people to play the waiting game with. Lol I'm standing at 112 points and I'm crossing my fingers that good enough. I've also finished all pre reqs except for micro so hopefully I won't have too much on my plate if I'm accepted. I look forward to hearing from all the other hopefuls on this thread, good luck everyone!

I'm really starting to hate this waiting game too lol. Really hoping maybe they'll send out the letters earlier and that we will find out sometime later this week!

I'm right there with ya!! The waiting is killing me.

I'm so glad to see more people on this thread! The waiting is TERRIBLE. I had no idea they might not have an alternate list for Fall, that's a bummer if that's the case. :(

@anthonyrwhitehead Did you apply for Spring 2018 or Fall 2017? When you were an alternate I mean?

Does anyone know how many people they usually take a semester?

I believe it's 100 students for generic track and 50 for transition track. The nursing page for Polk still states they have an alternate list. I think it would be silly not to have alternates since so many people apply and not all of the top 100 attend the orientations or may even decide not to go through with the program.

I believe it's 100 students for generic track and 50 for transition track. The nursing page for Polk still states they have an alternate list. I think it would be silly not to have alternates since so many people apply and not all of the top 100 attend the orientations or may even decide not to go through with the program.

I agree that it would be silly of them not to have one, I imagine that many students are still applying to multiple schools and may not choose Polk as their final option. I hope that is not the case.

Has anyone called by chance to ask when the letters would be mailed out?

Who do you even call? I'm hoping they end up coming tomorrow and already mailed them out. Based on past years it seems like they usually arrive a week early

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