Politicizing hunger -Trump includes letter with food boxes to the needy


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Philadelphia Inquirer   10/01/2020

Trump includes letter with food boxes to the needy, sparking charges of politicizing hunger





Along with apples and pre-cooked pork, hunger fighters across America who distribute boxes of food from the federal government to those in need are discovering something unexpected inside: a letter from President Donald Trump.

The letter, signed by the president, says, “I prioritized sending nutritious food from our farmers to our families in need throughout America.” The boxes are part of a program to dispense food to help those hurt by the pandemic.

Advocates and scholars are blasting Trump for allegedly politicizing hunger. At Philabundance, one of the two main hunger-relief agencies in the Philadelphia region, the letters are being pulled out of the boxes before they reach people in need.

Joel Berg, CEO of Hunger Free America, headquartered in New York City, said, “This is absolutely outrageous. It essentially blackmails non-partisan food charities into aiding Trump’s re-election campaign by threatening more Americans to go hungry if these food boxes are not distributed. This move by the Trump Administration is illegal and immoral.”...



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