Published Oct 9, 2009
34 Posts
What is it, what does it do? How many do I need to be accepted into nursing program.
447 Posts
A points system is a very "cut and dry" way of selecting who gets in to a particular nursing school. I was admitted based on a points system. We were ranked according to GPA, NLN or ACT test scores, 5 bonus pts if you had completed more than 12 hours of college credit, 5 more bonus pts if you are a resident in the state we applied to.
Every school's minimum points will be different so I suggest you ask an advisor. My school won't admit less than 60 points. I had 93 points when I applied and was told by several nursing advisors I was definately in. Anywhere in the 90 point range at my school is great. Your school's range might be higher or lower.
I really like the points system. It's more balanced in my mind because like, if your school admits based on interview and a particular canidate sucks at interview, they might not get in even though they have a 4.0 GPA. Same with essays. This ranks you soley on acedemic acheivment.
Good Luck. (I know my spelling is terrible! I'm pretty tired!)
thanks, i heard some nursing students talking about it. i should had asked.
HM2VikingRN, RN
4,700 Posts
Never be afraid to ask a question. That is a skill that will carry you far in life. (especially nursing school!)