PMHRN Certification- I passed!


Specializes in Psychiatric Nurse, Forensic Nurse.

Hello! I passed my Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Certification by ANCC. I used Momentrix PMHN Exam Secret Study Guide and Practice question supplemented by the recommended PMHN 5th edition by Kim Hutchinson published by ANA. I also purchased Question bank from ANA. Overall, this exam is hard but with proper planning and perseverance, you will pass. Oh don't forget to pray. :) Good luck!

Specializes in Psych, Substance Abuse.

Congratulations! How much time did you spend studying? I'm planning to take the exam this summer.

Specializes in Psychiatric Nurse, Forensic Nurse.

I studied intensively for 2 weeks. Good luck!

Specializes in psych.

I also plan to take mine this summer. Congrats on passing!

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.


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