Please help! Questions I haven't read here curious!!!


Hi, I've read lots of threads here and they are very helpful! I am considering a position in LTC and I'm skeeeeeered! I am SO used to having my own "little" group of patients, and I like to know EVERYTHING that's going on with them! Well, here are some questions I am just dying to know!!!

1) I read here about people passing meds to a gazillion patients----ON TIME---which I give you major kudos for! My question though------what about the crushing, the ones who need to take their pills sloooowwwly and one at a time, what about all the thickened liquids. Is it written on your MARS to remind you?

2) What about full report on EVERY patient you're responsible for....I have to assume you don't get report on ALL your patients-- just significant changes/ issues? And if not, how do you know what's going on with them? What if the doctor(s) / family ask "how has Mom/ Dad been this week?" (I realize I can read the chart, but I am so used to the hospital where you get details of their day---I know, I need to get OVER that! LOL!)

3) THis is a biggie for me----what about all the patient's ins and outs? As their nurse, I NEED to know how much they're voiding, when was their last BM? (I saw this getting missed A LOT where I used to work, (again, this wasn't LTC)....sometimes after having

to go back through the chart and looking at I & O, I'd discover it had been a week since their last BM and nothing had been done----. I don't want these sweet people being uncomfy/ getting impacted. It sounds as though there is just NO TIME to check all of these things when you have 20, 30, 40 patients!?!!

4) When you have a brand new admission, do they arrive with info on how to transfer them safely and/or how MUCH assistance they need? This is also a biggie for me----we need to know that BEFORE they're admitted! Do they usually arrive with orders for everything, or do you find all of that out later when you call the doc?

5) Speaking of admissions, (and discharges!) would you possibly have time for all of that when you have 15, 20, 30 other patients?

I LIKE being busy, and I don't mind working hard, but I just cannot fathom how anyone can do this!!! I am REALLY trying (and praying!) to have a positive attitude and stop worrying about every. little. detail. I truly love the elderly and WANT to give them the best care possible!!!! Thanks in advance!

I work at a crappy facility. Sometimes 5 admissions a day all on the 3-11 shift. At best at times the supervisor will help and other LpNs volunteer to help. Most times the nurses that have admissions don't leave until after 2am in the morning. As far as the MAR's , if you yourself don't write on the Mar's crush or whole, it won't get done. I suggest you ask the nurses that are familiar with the patients if they take meds whole or crushed. I hope you are in a good facility and have some good CNAs.

The Holy Grail of the Nurse---CYA Because management will always hang you out to dry!

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