please help me about pediatric nursing


I got frustrated about my assignment in the subject - pediatric nursing. I ask my teacher but no help. I am afraid of failing this assignment. PLEASE HELP!!!

Case study:

Fifteen year old Katie is currently in Year 10 at a local government school. Katie has never had a boyfriend; she considers herself tall, gawky and ugly. Recently she has met a boy while on a chat room. She confides in her best friend Laura that he is her ¡°soul-mate¡± and that he understands everything about her. She has seen his photo on Facebook and says she knows all about him and where he lives. Laura says he is cute and cool. The boy has invited Katie to visit him so that they can meet. Katie knows her parents will never allow her to travel alone and they ¡°don¡-t understand what it is to be young.¡± She asks Laura to cover for her so that she can tell her parents she is staying over at her house for the weekend. Laura doesn¡-t know what to do but Katie says that a real friend would help her. You are employed as a nurse in a child protection agency and invited to address Year 10 students at Katie¡-s school about risk-taking behaviour.

PART A (Creative activity)

You are required to develop a creative educational activity that involves technology, such as a poster, book, power point presentation, webpage, blog, CD, or DVD, or a traditional poster of A1 size, etc. to inform the peers of your chosen case study that will help them learn about the child or adolescent's problem, or if appropriate, the overall issue. The activity should foster positive behaviors that can assist in the situation, and how each one can make a difference in the health and lives of each other.

PART B (Write an essay)

1. Introduction

2. Rationale for activity

-Growth and development issues specifically linked to the chosen activity (why the activity was chosen)

-Theoretical perspectives considered (cognitive, psychosocial, motor development)

-Safety issues identified and discussed

3. Exploration of risk taking behaviour

-Incidence of risk taking behaviour

-Factors associated with risk taking behaviour in adolescence are identified and discussed

-Implications of risk taking behaviour for health in long and short term are analysed

-Nursing contribution to the chosen problem

4. Conclusion

My question are as follows:

1. Can I only discuss "adolescence and sexual risk taking behaviours"? because there are many different kinds of risk taking behaviours in adolescence. it is hard to explore the overall risk taking.

2. about "Safety issues identified and discussed", safety issues such as condom use and abstinence, but vevy hard to explore the question about "safety issues", not much to write, how to explore safety issues?

3. about "Incidence of risk taking behaviour", the main problem is STI(sexual transmited disease), what else?

4. about "Implications of risk taking behaviour for health in long and short term", I think this question is very similar with the above question "Incidence of risk taking behaviour", I really don't know how to write "Implications", how to write "Implications" and what is the difference between "Implications" and "Incidence of risk taking"?

Please help!!!

Now see I was thinking totally differently until I reached your questions.

I was thinking about child predators on the internet posing as children/adolescents in order to gain access to kids online (ok so I am married to a cop which probably makes me think that way.) The importance of making decisions to protect our friends even when they may not see you as doing so such as Laura not lying for Katie because Katie could be walking into a trap...

Good luck-that does seem to be a tough one.

My first thoughts went to the "internet predator" too. I think that is a huge adolescent risk behavior that most teenagers don't even think about when they engage in it.

I think the main safety issue here is agreeing to meet with someone she doesn't know--like other posters said, this could be an internet sexual predator.

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