Please help... I can't decide CRNA vs. DO


Specializes in Critical Care, ER.

Hi all.

I hope this thread isn't redundant or anything. I am stuck in indecision land and I was hoping someone could save me! Here is my situation...

I am a 33 yr old mother of 1 (3 yr old), potentially a single mom soon. I have a 3.7 GPA for my BSN and currently 1 yr experience at a large teaching hospital SICU. I definitely plan on at least another year of experience before I apply for anything.

My goal in life has always been to join an organization like Doctors without Borders and as for as much time and as soon as possible. I always thought I would have to become a physician to do so however recently I found out that they employ RNs and CRNAs as well. I know that I cannot handle the physical stress of being a bedside nurse for too much longer... you all know the enormous gastric bypasses and CABGs gone bad... so I am stuck in between DO school (couldn't go to traditional medical school... too hierarchical and old fashioned for me) and CRNA.

Does anyone have any advice for me as to how to go? Is CRNA as physically demanding as bedside nursing? Are CRNAs more professional and less back-stabbing in the way they treat each other than bedside nurses can be? I am looking forward to an environment where colleagues aren't creating cliques and manipulating each other in petty ways.

Thanks ahead for your time and consideration and please forgive me if this post is repetitive of bygone posts. :)

I know what you mean about backstabbing petty bedside nurses. That alone is enough to run off some people from nursing.

I think you qualify to apply to a CRNA program with your 1 yr. of acute care experience. I have heard the pay is excellent and you don't have the hassle that goes along with being a doctor.

I was hoping to go to CRNA school but I don't think I have what it takes. I'm not good at chemistry or advanced math and I'm scared I would encounter a lot of that in a CRNA program.


Have you tought about shadowing a CRNA? Talk to the CRNAs at your hospital and see if you could spend some time with them. That way you can get a idea of what they do and that can help you make up your mind. I shadowed a CRNA and now anesthesia is my goal. Good luck in whatever you decide to do!!!

I don't actually know anything about CRNA, but there's a CRNA board on here. Not sure if you've already looked there, but thought it might help since responses might be slow today (Sunday.) :)

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