Published Jun 6, 2008
46 Posts
Hi all ... I am an L&D nurse, graduated school in June 2006, went right into L&D and have been doing L&D for 2 years now. It took a LONG time to feel comfortable, but I am finally not looking for a closet to run into to cry anymore.
OK, here's where it all goes crazy . . .
I started working for a group of OB/GYN Dr's not affiliated with my hospital. This is the complete opposite spectrum from what I am used to doing, and I am feeling EXTREMELY stressed out at the responsibility that I now have at the OB/GYN.
I am responsible for calling patients with lab results ranging anywhere from "your pap is normal" to "your mammogram shows something that needs to be followed up by . . . ". I am giving patients injections, signing my name to RX's as per the Dr., etc., etc., etc.
I AM SO NERVOUS! I have only been a nurse for 2 years, and I find the work in the office fascinating, and I am loving that I am learning so much, but I AM NERVOUS that I am going to say the wrong thing, say too much, not say enough. PLEASE, somebody calm my fears! Is it TOO soon for me to take on this responsbility? I am only working 2 days in L&D and 2.5 days at the OB office. Is there some book that would be a good resource to have for OB/GYN? ALL COMMENTS MUCH APPRECIATED!
1 Post
You will be fine...I have worked in an OB/GYN office for 11 years...only as an Medical Assistant now finishing Nursing wouldn't believe the stuff I have learned and done there over the years...
Just like when you did your first injection, or IV, or what ever...the patient doesn't know they were the first one....
The person on the other end of the phone doesn't know how long you have been doing these calls and if you don't know the answer to something they ask...simply tell them you can find out the information ...remember KISS...Keep It Simple Stupid!
akanini, MSN, RN
1,525 Posts
Not sure if this will help but I ordered Maternity Neonatal Nursing Made Incredibly Easy book for $9.00 on amazon. Excelllent source!
278 Posts
I had a telephone type job in the distant past and although it wasn't nursing, I needed to be specific about what I said to clients. Just take these questions to the doctor or whoever it is that supervises your work and ask them these questions, while taking notes about how to talk to patients. Make yourself some 3x5 cards on which you put a little outline, or a couple "talking points" that you use when you call patients. If it's good news or normal results, then you don't have to go into too much detail. If it's not good news, then don't you have the patient come back in to see the doctor?? Just keep your cards at your desk for using when you make your calls and don't worry! These people on the phone can't see if you are using notecards to guide you.
YOU CAN DO THIS, and I think if you change your self talk into positive stuff, like "I am a great OBGYN nurse" and "I love learning new things" and " I meet new challenges with strength and poise" or things like that, you'll conquer this easily.
Also, this office work is a piece of cake compared to what you dealt with in L & D. It's just a new job and new jobs always feel uncomfortable for a while in the beginning. YOU'LL DO GREAT!
10 Posts
Thanks LadyJane. I know it's my negative self talk that ALWAYS makes me feel like I can't do something, and it's up to it's old tricks again.
When I spoke with one of my coworkers at the hospital I do L&D at about my fears, she said "are you sure you can do this? You are still a new nurse, you seem very overwhelmed by this, are you sure you want to add this stress into your life?"
So, of course all I have been doing is obsessing about those words, and I know this will ultimately be my demise until I read your encouraging words, so THANKS! I CAN DO THIS!
Thanks Babynursingrn,
I only know this because this is what I have been using tohelp- me get through and excell at my pre nursing classes. The two ladies at the CC's women's center told me that I could get good grades in pre reqs, and get into nursing and do well, that it was "all about desire". It's true. I want this more than I want to go play with friends on the weekend. I want this more than to have a spotless house or beautiful gardens in my yard. I'd rather study than lots of things just because I strongly desire to become a good RN. The other part of the equation is the self talk.
You don't know how many times I have gone into an exam while I was quaking in my boots. Plenty. I have to basically "grab my attitude with both hands" and forcibly think and say these positive things to myself. Also, the more you say these negative things toyourself, the more you reinforce that stuff and make it more likely for this negative stuff to happen. Words have power! Make yours positive to make success for you!:heartbeat