placements abroad


Specializes in stroke, COTE, DN, orthapaedics, HV, SN.

I'm a nursing student studying in England, and as part of my course I am allowed to have a placement abroad in my final year. I would very much like to go to Hong Kong, but I have no idea how to go about arranging this.

Has anyone had a placement abroad or can anyone offer any advice? thanks,


Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Hello, lukeeboi and welcome to

I moved your thread to the International forum for a better response.

suzanne4, the moderator for this forum, will be along later to assist you.

You will need to contact some of the nursing programs there, as your rotation needs to be thru an approved school of nursing there for you to get credit for it. Usually your school will make the final arrangements with the program there.

You can contact the equivalent of the Board of Nursing in Hong Kong to get a list of the approved schools there.

Sorry, but I no longer have my list from there available.

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