Published Sep 3, 2008
1 Post
Looked over many threads and couldn't find the exact answer i was looking for.I am an LVN in CA.My sister-in-law graduated from RN school in the Phillipines but did not take boards. She has been working as a CNA,has her green card,etc. and wants to take the NCLEX-PN to start,hopefully RN later. Just wanted advice from some who have been in this situation or knowledgable to this situation. Salamat!gflo
1 Article; 3,019 Posts
I have moved this to international as I think you will get a more informed response from the International Mods.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Not sure why she doesn't want to do RN straight away but her choice. Regardless she will have to meet the BON requirements for foreign trained, suggest she starts with the sticky called primer to working in the USA. Plus she isn't applying for NCLEX PN but licensure to be a nurse in the US of which NCLEX is just a part of that process.