Pierce Wa Nursing Program


Hi everyone! We will soon find out if we got an interview to the Pierce Nursing Program for Winter Admission. I created this forum to keep everyone up with the status of my application too! Post when you find out if you've got an interview, or post with your info (gpa, Kaplan score, etc.)

Someone call Pierce and see if there is an update! I think they are getting tired of hearing from me lol!

this is why i emailed the president's office and senior executive assistance. I would have emailed the dean but couldn't find his information! I am tired of not hearing anything, at least include us on the little information they do have! I am going to wait until Thursday morning to see if we get "said letter" in the mail by Wednesday....

Specializes in CNA - ER, ICU, MS, PICU, CVICU, CCU, (+).

I sent our advisor at Pierce a longgg email (about thirty minutes ago) asking many questions. I want to know why we are all being kept in the dark. That's the jist of what I asked. I told her the communication is lacking completely and that concerns me. I will let everyone know what I learn when she writes me back.

I think we all share the same concerns. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that they don't realize how discouraging it is nt get get any information at all.

Specializes in CNA - ER, ICU, MS, PICU, CVICU, CCU, (+).

I called TCC and learned that they have contacted everyone drawn and the alternates for now for Spring full and part time. I'm sure they'll have people decline their spots, they're given ten days to accept a seat, so certainly they'll be contacting a few further down the list.

So I'm just wondering if anyone that was picked for the TCC program actually received an email or was it that they called to find out?

It is extremely discouraging to not know a specific date or at least a time frame. But when I talked to Stania the other day I asked if she knew when it would start bc I wanted to fly to see my parents before it got started and she said to make sure I'm back by the end of March. So here's to holding out hope that it starts spring quarter. I mean the biggest letdown is that we applied 6 months ago, waited two months to hear back, waited a week to find out and there's still no decision on when we start. People who aren't even done with their prerequisites will start before us. I guess I've just been working for so long on this goal and I feel like I'm at a standstill. It's a bad feeling :/

They received emails supposedly.

Specializes in CNA - ER, ICU, MS, PICU, CVICU, CCU, (+).

She wrote me back and said that our new director did mail us a letter late last week. The meet and greet is 2/11 from 4:30-6:00 pm. The nursing department is not the one deciding when our program will start. She said it is the executive team. She said that she and others in the department are just as anxious to hear when they'll be starting the program. I'm paraphrasing.

Loved reading that she told you to be back by the end of March. I'm still holding out hope on a March 29, Spring quarter start. I jokingly keep telling my family and friends that I need to start because I'm getting dumber by the day. hahahahaha!

Guess I will see you ladies next Wednesday!

I guess that leaves me out of the TCC program. :'(

Specializes in CNA - ER, ICU, MS, PICU, CVICU, CCU, (+).

I just sent an email to the Dean. I included in it the two emails I sent to our advisor this morning. I expressed OUR concerns as a group that we are being kept in the dark as to why there's such a huge delay and asked why there may possibly be a Fall start. I told him we all understand a three month delay, since a new nursing director was hired, but a fall start, a nine almost ten month delay seems ridiculous. Why would such a delay be necessary? That, again, is the gist of my questions. Will keep you posted.

angieyu37 - I am sorry that you (likely) didn't get in. I would have felt bad not sharing the information I received but I also feel bad having to share the news here. You may very well be much closer down the list than I was, so don't give up hope. Oftentimes TCC will go 10-20 down the list after the lottery seats are declined by those chosen. :)

Check your pierce email ladies :drowning:

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