Piedmont Tech Greenwood SC


I am not enrolled at Piedmont (I attend Lander) but I have a few friends that are enrolled in PTC's nursing program.


Congrats on starting in May, I have a friend who will start the ADN in May as well @ PTC. I just recieved my phone call and was informed that I was accepted into the ADN in the fall @ PTC!!! YIPEE I am so excited, I am sure that you are too! I hope the best for you and all of us NURSING STUDENTS :lol2:

I went to Lander and worked at self as an extern. I heard big time complaints about the instructors at PTC. They talked about playing favorites, being very unfair, helping to fail people who werent among the favorites... Also, they said you couldnt talk to the dean because then you would be retaliated against by the faculty even worse.

I was told by people who went there that the professors there bashed lander saying we were book nurses and didnt know how to do any "real nursing." All I can say is look at lander NCLEX pass rates. 100% almost every year. The weird thing is, Lander says nothing about PTC. There is no bashing of ADN's, nothing even said. Yet PTC feels they need to bash Lander...almost like an inferiority complex. Plus, I feel i got an excellent nurisng education. Tje professors actually care, and will help you learn the info as best they can. If you pass, you pass on your own, and if you fail, you fail on yhour own. They will do what they can to give you the information in a way you can understand it.

Nursing school is stressful enough with having to learn the info. No one needs stupid politics to make it harder.

Funny, for not being a "real nurse" I just got a great eval from my nursing employer.

Ayway, nursing is a wondersul career and I can not see myeslf doing anything else. I wish you guys the best of luck...its not easy, but you reap the rewards when you walk in to your first patient rooms and introduce yourself as their nurse!!

Good Luck!!!

Well I just started the ADN program, but I have not heard any instructor say anything bad about Lander, but that don't mean that they haven't. I am sure Lander has a very good program. I just chose PTC because it is 5 semesters long.

There are definitely benefits and needs for 2 years programs. I guess I am just saying there is no reason for them to be the way they are. Not only what I have heard said about Lander, but what they do to their own students. Wish you guys the best.

:eek: I hate to hear that about PTC, it does makes me a little nervous. I have only heard that the clinicals can be hectic, (what clinicals @ any college wouldn't be) but I would be very upset to start in August and find out that I am not on anyone's "favorite list" which may subject me to FAIL. I have also heard that the college is adding a new class I think it is called the (inclex) toward the end of our clinicals, which will better educate us on the NCLEX, but that is just a rumor, not sure if it is true or not.

I am glad to hear that you got a good evaluation, way to go.

I am not saying that you are wrong about PTC, but am hoping you are wrong, because all that I want to do is be a nurse, I feel that it is my calling in this world. I love helping others and I am a people/person. I just want so much to start clinicals and be able to learn how to correctly care for others, without the pressure of being picked on.

Hi Carla25 I am currently a Lpn student at PTC. I will be graduating in August and hopefully transitioning in Jan., I must admit that I have enjoyed the instructors here. I know you may hear horror stories but if you study and put your all in it then I am sure that you will be successful. Congragulations and Good Luck!

I also went through the LPN Program at PTC in 2004, and am now on the waiting list for ADN, which I hope to enter in the spring. I had no problems with any of the instructors. In fact, many bent over backwards to help. Does anyone know about the new requirement for all LPN and ADN students concerning having to take the CNA course and the State test? I am enrolled now, and it seems like deja vu to me. I feel like I am going backwards instead of forward. I was told it was required and had to be done. Any additional info on it would be helpful!

Hey Mammy, I am a CNA that just finished at York Tech in Rock Hill. I also have children in Abbeville and have attended PTC for my EMT years ago. I took the CNA because it was mandatory as a pre-requisite for nursing at my school. I was advised just a few weeks ago that it was now a requirement for everyone entering nursing school. I have worked at two places and the first had no certified nurse asst. and the second you have to be cna to work there. I also work with some nurses who did not take cna and they are harder to get help from while the ones who were cna before nursing school understand our jobs better. I took it before it was required because I wanted to know every step of taking care of residents and the cna's play a big part in that. I am of the opinion that it is good for all nursing students but that's just my opinion. It's a very short course and it's easy. It teaches you how to properly turn people without hurting them, hurting yourself, and other things that some of the RN's where I work, just stand there because they say they don't know how to do some of the CNA work. That's just one place I've worked, I'm sure it could have everything to do with where they went to school and what kind of nurse they have experience in. I was a paramedic for 15 years before I went to nursing school and I thought I didn't need it either and felt like I was taking a big step backward but after working as a CNA I see there is a big difference. Good luck bb

Hello! I start the LPN program at PTC in January and will transition afterwards. I am still on the ADN wait list waiting and waiting and --you know kindof like dialup!! I just finished the CNA class. Its great. I learned so much and my instructor was WONDERFUL. after the class I asked if she would be one of my instructors in the program and she said she only taught the cna class:(..

about the rumors... I have heard them all. a few fellow students that have already graduated and 1 that failed out said that they were true. one girl in particular said to always try hard, show the instructors a whole lot of respect (more than usual) and you will not end up on the s**t list. and it does exist!

I will certainly admit, Im scared but have gotten too far to switch schools mid-stream. I would end up on a waiting list a mile long. But... I am considering doing my "transition" somewhere else. I dont know if I can but am looking into it now so that if there is a wait list, I can get on it now and by the time I finish my LPN classes I will be able to go directly to my transition classes...

Hello,iam A Nursing Student Atpiedmont Tech In Laurens,but Will Transfer In Dec. To Greenwood, I Would Like To Work In The Feild Now, Somepeople Say Do Cnaor Ptc But I Dont Know Which Way To Go..can You Help..any One...

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