Published Jan 26, 2008
ann945n, RN
548 Posts
Hi everyone.
I am about to graduate in a few weeks and need advice on where to go first my first job as an RN. I have worked as an LPN in LTC for the past 6 months but it is not where I want to stay
Ideally I would like to get my masters in Nursing Education or as an FNP later (I have yet to decide) after I finish my BSN next year. My problem is I really do not want to work on the floor. I would like to do public health, clinic work, or be an educator (in the future of course), but all these job posting want a minimum of 2 years med/surg or LTC experience.
Would it be well advised to go ahead and put in my time on the floor for my first year or two while I finish up my edcuation so I can "check off that box" or will not working on the floor be a hindrance to my future employment?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I really am at a loss for what job to go for, hospital floor or try my luck in a clinic/public health and for go the floor.
locolorenzo22, BSN, RN
2,396 Posts
Hi, I'm in a similar situation. I'm graduating with my ADN, and I want to go get my masters in education as well....I'm approaching the situation like this. Getting the 2-3 years exp on a floor, putting in patient care and critical thinking, then applying for masters, looks good for education jobs, as you can prove you know how to relate to people(patients, coworkers, bosses, etc) and critically think about what you are teaching.